published: 7th January 2010 by CKoos Kombuis
published: 23rd February 2011 byStyling every second ol or li or other element in css
published: 1st June 2016 byI WILL WORSHIP
published: 7th January 2010 by CUys Krige
published: 23rd February 2011 byHow to debug save() on cakephp
published: 1st June 2016 byI WORSHIP YOU
published: 7th January 2010 by CAntjie Krog
published: 23rd February 2011 byHow to find your temp ftp backup PSPAD files on windows 7
published: 1st June 2016 byIF I WERE A BUTTERFLY
published: 7th January 2010 by CAntjie Krog
published: 23rd February 2011 byHow to remove the last comma or character from a string list
published: 1st June 2016 byIN MY LIFE, LORD
published: 7th January 2010 by CAntjie Krog
published: 23rd February 2011 byhow to send and receive parameters in cakephp via url in cakephp
published: 1st June 2016 byIN THE NAME OF JESUS
published: 7th January 2010 by CAntjie Krog
published: 23rd February 2011 byHow to integrate CKEditor and KCFiinder with Cakephp
published: 1st June 2016 byIN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD
published: 7th January 2010 by CAntjie Krog
published: 23rd February 2011 byHere is How to individually display css and javascript files for individual views in Cakephp. Function in the layout and set it in the view
published: 1st June 2016 by Gabriel KolbeIN THE PRESENCE OF YOUR PEOPLE
published: 7th January 2010 by CC.J. Langenhoven
published: 23rd February 2011 byHow do I concatenate a string
published: 1st June 2016 by Gabriel KolbeIN THE SILENCE
published: 7th January 2010 by CC Louis Leipoldt
published: 23rd February 2011 byHow to change the thickness of a hr tag in css
published: 1st June 2016 byISN T HE BEAUTIFUL
published: 7th January 2010 by CC Louis Leipoldt
published: 23rd February 2011 byHow do I render a view in a controller from another controller
published: 1st June 2016 by Rendering a view in a controller from another controllerIT S ALL ABOUT YOU
published: 7th January 2010 by CLucas Malan
published: 24th February 2011 bycakephp join tables
published: 1st June 2016 byIT S BEGINNING TO RAIN
published: 7th January 2010 by CDF Malherbe
published: 24th February 2011 bycakephp count list entries
published: 1st June 2016 byIT S BUBBLING
published: 7th January 2010 by CDF Malherbe
published: 24th February 2011 byCriticisms Recruiters Regularly Receive, crappy emails, catch all job descriptions vague, resume docotoring, not testing candidates, pitchs
published: 1st June 2016 byIT S THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES
published: 7th January 2010 by CEugene Marais
published: 24th February 2011 byCakephp cheat sheet for version 2
published: 1st June 2016 byI have a surprise for you gentlemen Your wife probably doesn't know how important sex is to you Now sure she knows that it's imp
published: 20th June 2012 by http://everydaymiracles.hubpages.com/hub/Why-Sex-is-Important-to-MenJABULANI
published: 7th January 2010 by CEugene Marais
published: 24th February 2011 byinterview questions for cakephp
published: 1st June 2016 byJEHOVAH JIREH
published: 7th January 2010 by CEugene Marais
published: 24th February 2011 byTesting candidates and assessing skill
published: 1st June 2016 byChristians Killed Since the establishment of Sharia Law in Northern Nigeria in 2001 over 13 750 Christians have been killed for their faith by Muslims <p align= ju
published: 16th May 2012 byJESUS, JESUS
published: 7th January 2010 by CEugene Marais
published: 24th February 2011 byPHP Interview Questions and Answers
published: 1st June 2016 byJESUS CHRIST IS LORD OF ALL
published: 7th January 2010 by CEugene Marais
published: 24th February 2011 byAdzuna has built a tool to help employees negotiate pay
published: 1st June 2016 byHow God provided for the Isrealites
published: 29th July 2024 byJESUS IS MY LORD, MY MASTER, MY SAVIOUR
published: 7th January 2010 by CEugene Marais
published: 24th February 2011 bycss interview questions and answers
published: 1st June 2016 byThe lesson for this ev
published: 29th July 2024 by http://www.crosswalk.com/518442/JESUS WE CELEBRATE YOUR VICTORY
published: 7th January 2010 by CEugene Marais
published: 24th February 2011 byHere are the top 5 truths people 'bend' on their CV's / resume's
published: 1st June 2016 byJESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL
published: 7th January 2010 by CLoftus Marais
published: 24th February 2011 bycomparing candidates
published: 1st June 2016 byThis blog here is created to seek the truth above all I have watched the Zeitgeist movie and while doing so took notes on what the author
published: 8th July 2009 by Written by Gabriel KolbeJESUS, WE ENTHRONE YOU
published: 7th January 2010 by CD.J. Opperman
published: 24th February 2011 byCodeIgniter- the best interview questions and answers
published: 1st June 2016 byThe devil as infiltrated the modern western christianity with a christianity that in practice believe in a magical quick fix Like INSTANT hot microwaved food
published: 29th July 2024 by by Gabriel KolbeJESUS, WE LOVE YOU
published: 7th January 2010 by CD.J. Opperman
published: 24th February 2011 byLaravel cheat sheet
published: 1st June 2016 byHaving doubts about your salvation will you go to heaven what does the word of god says what will go do for you now and when you die
published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeJESUS, WHAT A WONDER YOU ARE
published: 7th January 2010 by CD.J. Opperman
published: 24th February 2011 byDuring biblical times Jewish Law recognized several basic moral justifications for divorce or nullification of a marriage contract between a man and his wife Those reasons were ordained b
published: 8th July 2009 by http://www.frankcaw.comJOY OF MY DESIRE
published: 7th January 2010 by CS.V. Petersen
published: 24th February 2011 bycakephp controller action without a view
published: 11th July 2016 bySo many people have told me that they don t believe in blood line curses With bloodline curses - I mean curses in a family that move are be
published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeLET OUR PRAISES BE LIKE INCENSE
published: 7th January 2010 by CMathews Phosa
published: 24th February 2011 byhow to install cakephp3 on Xampp
published: 11th July 2016 byPRAY THIS PRAYER IN FAITH TRUSTING THE LORD Daily for Spiritual preparation and warfare
published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeLET THE PEACE OF GOD
published: 7th January 2010 by CGustav Preller
published: 24th February 2011 byUse a function from one controller in another controller
published: 5th December 2016 byA enormous part of our lifes we live for death Large quatities
published: 8th July 2009 by by Gabriel KolbeLET YOUR GLORY FILL THIS HOUSE
published: 7th January 2010 by CGustav Preller
published: 24th February 2011 byLoad DebugKit for CakePHP 3 with command line
published: 2nd December 2016 byMan is deceived if he is a hearer and not a DOER of the Word of God Jas 1 22 He is deceived if he says he has no sin 1John 1 8
published: 8th July 2009 by Andrew RoebertLET YOUR LIVING WATERS
published: 7th January 2010 by CGustav Preller
published: 24th February 2011 byWhat is 'Migrations' in Laravel 5 and CakePHP 3
published: 5th December 2016 byColossians 3 2 And set your minds and keep them set on what is above the higher things not on the things that are on the earth
published: 8th July 2009 by Andrew RoebertLET YOUR SPIRIT RISE UP IN ME
published: 7th January 2010 by CS.J. Pretorius
published: 24th February 2011 byTest to see if JQuery works
published: 8th December 2016 byPhilippians 3 13-14 I am bringing all my energies to bear on this one thing Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead I strain to
published: 8th July 2009 by Andrew RoebertLIKE THE WOMAN WITH THE ISSUE OF BLOOD
published: 7th January 2010 by CS.J. Pretorius
published: 24th February 2011 byHow to go back to the previous page in Cakephp
published: 11th July 2016 bysatan attacks us with via situations people nations politics and strong holds according to the bible there are rules authorities and powers
published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeLOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE
published: 7th January 2010 by CLieb Sauermann
published: 25th February 2011 byHow to use CakeBake on CakePHP3 on a Windows Xampp or Wamp enviroment
published: 14th July 2016 byForgiveness is a choice necessary for mental sanity spiritual continuous fellowship with God and physical health unforgiveness often
published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeLORD HERE I AM
published: 7th January 2010 by CMy people die for a lack of knowledge hellip Theoritical and theological questions Where does the devil come from Why doesn rsquo t God just destroy him Can the de
published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeLORD I COME TO YOU
published: 7th January 2010 by CMerwe Scholtz
published: 25th February 2011 byWhen a christian wants to learn how to hear God s voice It is easy and yet difficult To hear the voice of God works on the principle If you are faithful in the little things God will bless you
published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeLORD I LIFT YOUR NAME ON HIGH
published: 7th January 2010 by CLina Spies
published: 25th February 2011 byThe biggest problem people have with christianity is the it demands high morality and holiness and that it is exclusive and not inclusive
published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeLORD, YOU ARE MORE PRECIOUS
published: 7th January 2010 by CJ.C. Steyn
published: 25th February 2011 bywhy contractors earn more than permanent employeesc
published: 16th November 2016 byIt takes a extra ordinary anointing of the Holy Spirit to live a normal Christian life increase your power with prayer the word praise and w
published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeMIGHTY ONE OF ISRAEL
published: 7th January 2010 by CWilma Stockenström
published: 25th February 2011 byOur top Laravel 5.3 tutorials from beginners to expert
published: 16th November 2016 byLifting the Veil on Islam and the End Times Though it is not often thought of as a spiritual system or philosophy and is certainly less structured than identifiable r
published: 8th July 2009 by A portion out of “Last of the Giants†written by George Otis, JRMY LIFE IS IN YOU, LORD
published: 7th January 2010 by CEugène Terre'Blanche
published: 25th February 2011 byHow to install Laravel 5.3 on Xampp on Windows with Login and Registration all working in 5 minutes
published: 18th November 2016 by1 Opens the door to the devil 1 Cor 10 62 Discouragement brings murmering Numb 21 43 God takes murmering personally Ex 164 Murmering will hinder your praise 1Pet 3 85 Spread li
published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeMY MIND,MY HEART, MYBODY, MY SOUL
published: 7th January 2010 by CEugène Terre'Blanche
published: 25th February 2011 byHow To Setup Spesific Local Domain ( Virtual Hosts ) Using XAMPP on Windows
published: 18th November 2016 byJoshua 1v8 The book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do all that is written in it For than you shall make your w
published: 10th July 2009 byO LORD YOUR BEAUTIFUL
published: 7th January 2010 by CEugène Terre'Blanche
published: 25th February 2011 byHow to display selected options in a multi select drop down in Laravel
published: 24th November 2016 byGod is light and in Him there is no darkness we overcome light with darkness, we overcome the wolves with being lamb, we overcome evil with good. When the world goes the world way - we go GOD WAY. Be bless -not when we are cursed, we help when we are not helped
published: 10th July 2009 by GabrielO Lord Your tenderness
published: 7th January 2010 by CTotius (J.D. du Toit)
published: 25th February 2011 byHow to install cakephp 3 on Xampp or Wamp without composer
published: 2nd December 2016 by How to install cakephp 3 on localhost without composerA young new preacher was walking with an older more seasoned preacher in the garden one day Feeling a bit insecure about what God had for
published: 10th July 2009 byO. LORD I LOVE YOU FOREVER
published: 7th January 2010 by CTotius (J.D. du Toit)
published: 25th February 2011 byCakephp 3 define variable in AppController, use in other controllers and views
published: 14th December 2016 byThe following conversation arises between me and Ben Ben is a typical European Australian Kiwi type His thought process and argum
published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeON BENDED KNEE I COME
published: 7th January 2010 by CC.M. van den Heever
published: 25th February 2011 byStandard Terms of Business for the Introduction of Permanent Positions
published: 15th December 2016 byWe are all sons of God through faith in Chrsit Jesus for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ Associate yourselve with Chist in death and life You theref
published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeOpen the eyes of my heart Lord
published: 7th January 2010 by CToon van den Heever
published: 25th February 2011 byPre-employment checks and Gates for recruiting candidates
published: 15th December 2016 bySometimes it feels like the paw-paw has hit the fan Crisis management over what feels like an endless period of time has left you tired an
published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbePEOPLE JUST LIKE US
published: 7th January 2010 by CToon van den Heever
published: 25th February 2011 byCakePHP 3: ImageComponent Code and how to use it
published: 16th December 2016 bySynergy in the church God s secret weapon for end time revival churches working together for the sake of the kingdom not for their own sake
published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeREFINER S FIRE
published: 7th January 2010 by CKoos van der Merwe
published: 25th February 2011 byHow Set up an Amazon Ubuntu Ec2 instance with Mysql, PHP, Apache and PHPMyAdmin, Curl for Paypal to use on Cakephp 3
published: 25th January 2017 by Gabriel KolbeBLESSED are THEY who keep His STATUTES and SEEK Him with ALL their heart Ps 119 2 7 Barren woman Chri
published: 19th March 2024 by Gabriel KolbeROM 16:19 SAYS
published: 7th January 2010 by CKoos van der Merwe
published: 25th February 2011 byRackspace class that has functions in to connect, upload, delete, show and list files and images on rackspace
published: 22nd March 2017 byan quick article explaining the bible story in a nutshell for easy understanding giving a overall picture of what God had in mind an how everything came to be
published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeSALVATION BELONGS TO OUR GOD
published: 7th January 2010 by CErnst van Heerden
published: 25th February 2011 bySimple yearly annual php calendar script
published: 21st March 2017 byHonor your parents might be the key to success for other areas in you life brings security and love for all
published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeSHINE, JESUS, SHINE
published: 7th January 2010 by CEtienne van Heerden
published: 25th February 2011 bySimple php script that does pagination
published: 17th March 2017 bySatans lies to keep you from the love of God not praying not reading not singing not waiting on him isolation and loneliness
published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeSHOUT TO THE LORD
published: 7th January 2010 by CChrista van Tonder
published: 25th February 2011 byexamples of bootstrap modal boxes powered by ajax and jquery
published: 27th March 2017 byMy computer got hit by a bad virus yesterday I had to wipe my whole hard-drive and I lost over 4000 saved emails from the past year or so It was not a happy day In fact I was pretty discouraged
published: 10th July 2009 by -by Andrew Strom.SHOW ME YOUR WAYS
published: 7th January 2010 by CN.P. van Wyk Louw
published: 25th February 2011 byJquery and javascript validation explained
published: 28th March 2017 byAppollyon Primary work to get people to not serve God but idolatry money sex sports and for you to go to hell The angel of light
published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeSING HALLELUJAH TO THE LORD
published: 7th January 2010 by CN.P. van Wyk Louw
published: 25th February 2011 bySql or mysql table joins explained. Explain inner joins, outer joins, right and left joins
published: 7th April 2017 byAll sin comes from either rejection or rebellion which starts in hatred and self hatred ends in murder or suicide
published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeSING UNTO THE LORD A NEW SONG
published: 7th January 2010 by CN.P. van Wyk Louw
published: 25th February 2011 bySingle click login into Google use api with in PHP / CakePHP
published: 12th May 2017 byHe word trinity is not found in the Bible but the concept is All cults deny the Trinity Christians claim it is true But what is it Is it an office held by three gods Mormon
published: 10th July 2009 by http://www.carm.org/doctrine/trinity.htmSTAND UP AND SHOUT IF
published: 7th January 2010 by CN.P. van Wyk Louw
published: 25th February 2011 bySingle click login into Facebook use api with in PHP / CakePHP
published: 9th May 2017 byAll sin originates form unbelief and pride The bible says that we often chose to believe a lie Why would we choose not to believe the truth Is it nice not to take responsibil
published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeSWEET JESUS
published: 7th January 2010 by CN.P. van Wyk Louw
published: 25th February 2011 bySingle click login into LinkedIn use api with in PHP / CakePHP
published: 11th May 2017 byWhat evolutionist not tell their children evolution is a naturalistic religion there is not super natural no spiritual world people live
published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeTAKE ME PAST THE OUTER COURTS
published: 7th January 2010 by CN.P. van Wyk Louw
published: 25th February 2011 byDynamically populate with ajax a chosen.js or select2.js styled multi select drop down search values in database and display options, show selected options
published: 27th March 2019 by Gabriel KolbeThe Holy Spirit is almost the forgotten member of the Trinity Christians know that He is a member of the Godhead nbsp But is the Holy Spirit aforce like radar nbsp Or is He aliv
published: 10th July 2009 by http://www.carm.org/doctrine/trinityspirit.htm.THE LORD IS BUILDING JERUSALEM
published: 7th January 2010 by CN P van Wyk Louw
published: 25th February 2011 byJquery validation of ip addresses, check if empty, ip address and range of ip addresses
published: 21st May 2019 by Gabriel KolbeYou are who you are for a reason You re part of an intricate plan You re a precious and perfect unique design Called God s special woman or man You look like you l
published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeTHE STEADFAST LOVE
published: 7th January 2010 by CN.P. van Wyk Louw
published: 25th February 2011 byUltimate chained drop down with ajax, jquery and cakephp
published: 26th May 2019 by Gabriel KolbeTHE ZEAL OF GOD
published: 7th January 2010 by CN.P. van Wyk Louw
published: 25th February 2011 byJavascript cookie using warning - check & set
published: 28th February 2020 by Gabriel Kolbe - got the javascript from https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_cookies.asp and adjusted itTHERE IS A REDEEMER
published: 7th January 2010 by CWium van Zyl
published: 25th February 2011 byHow to reroute from http to https in Cakephp 3 / 4 hosted on a cpanel of AWS ec2 instance
published: 20th April 2020 by Gabriel KolbeA missionary on furlough told this true story while visiting his home church in Michigan 'While serving at a small field hospital in Africa every two weeks I travelled by bicycle through the ju
published: 27th July 2009 byTHERE IS A RIVER
published: 7th January 2010 by CW. Versveld
published: 25th February 2011 byModel Association in Cake PHP
published: 30th April 2020 by Gabriel KolbeYou will enjoy the new insights that Rick Warren has with his wife now having cancer and him having wealth from the book sales This is a
published: 27th July 2009 byTHERE IS NONE LIKE YOU
published: 7th January 2010 by CKabous Verwoed
published: 25th February 2011 byCalling a method / function from one controller in another controller cakephp 3 and cakephp 4
published: 22nd January 2021 by stackoverflowHow to make brownies and why to avoid immorality on movies and other things how to stay holy for God
published: 27th July 2009 byTHOU, O LORD ART A SHIELD ABOUT ME
published: 7th January 2010 by CAG Visser
published: 25th February 2011 byThis is how you create a ajax drop down menu, where the first drop down list populates the next
published: 30th January 2021 by source:gabriel kolbeBaie kinders wat n naby-doo
published: 27th July 2009 byTOUCH YOUR FINGER TO YOUR NOSE
published: 7th January 2010 by CAG Visser
published: 25th February 2011 byChariot Wheels found at the bottom of nbsp the Red Sea -- See pictures below and the route
published: 29th July 2024 by Ron WyattWE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS
published: 7th January 2010 by CAG Visser
published: 25th February 2011 byI think this book says it all So I don't have to redo this teaching I got the material from http www tithingdebate com <stro
published: 7th August 2009 by Eating Sacred Cows by Graeme CarléWE RE GONNA WORSHIP THE KING
published: 7th January 2010 by CGert Vlok Nel
published: 25th February 2011 byWE HAVE A VISION
published: 7th January 2010 by CM.M. Walters
published: 25th February 2011 byI want to share with you from a testimony of someone who was saved someone who had been serving the devil And when that man gave his testimony it so challenged me I did not want to believe it
published: 7th January 2010 by http://www.worldtrumpetmission.orgWE LIFT UP OUR EYES
published: 7th January 2010 by CG A Watermeyer
published: 25th February 2011 byThere was once a man who did not believe in the virgin birth of Christ or the spiritual meaning behind it nbsp He didn rsquo t understand all the focus on Jesus at Christmas time nbsp He was ev
published: 7th January 2010 by emailed to meWE WORSHIP YOU, O GOD
published: 7th January 2010 by CRudolph Willemse
published: 25th February 2011 byZola Levitt discovered an
published: 7th January 2010 by By J. R. ChurchWHEN I LOOK INTO YOUR HOLINESS
published: 7th January 2010 by CGetuienis oor lsquo n wonderwerk onlangs in my lewe Lizmari van der Merwe Sel nr 0769577966 nbsp EK wil graag getuig van lsquo n groot wo
published: 7th January 2010 by email van ma af - Lizmarie se pa is Claude se vriend - vriend van maWHEN THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD
published: 7th January 2010 by VIAAN BOSCHWHO IS THERE LIKE YOU, O GOD
published: 7th January 2010 by CAimee Herd July 3 2008 "The other villagers came to the house to see this amazing miracle They asked us which of the Indian gods we had prayed to for such a miracle to happen
published: 7th January 2010 by emailed to meYOU ARE HIGH AND LIFTED UP
published: 7th January 2010 by CThis message was transcribed by Ruthanne Garlock from a tape we received in Singapore on August 30th 1998 from Wee Tiong How He had just returned from the Isle of Patmos where he attended a praye
published: 17th January 2010 by Dr. Samuel Doctorian, August 16,1998YOU ARE IN CONTROLE
published: 7th January 2010 by CYOU ARE MY EVERYTHING
published: 7th January 2010 by CI have been living in the UK for more than 10 years I think there are a few reasons why the gospel does not advance as fast as in some other countries Some Reasons
published: 21st January 2010 by Gabriel KolbeYOU ARE MY HIDING PLACE
published: 7th January 2010 by CGod send Jonah to Nineveh to stop the destruction of many innocent Nineveh repented and where spared Did God send anyone to Haiti Did anyone li
published: 28th February 2010 by Tom Barrett - http://www.americandaily.com/author/9YOU LAID ASIDE YOUR MAJESTY
published: 7th January 2010 by CThe Bible states that there was giants I believe it The photos below probably are photoshopped doctored but are examples o
published: 3rd March 2010 by email and www.bibleprobe.comYOU SHALL GO OUT WITH JOY
published: 7th January 2010 by CBlessed be your name
published: 7th January 2010 by CAfter reading 'Paradise Lost Smyrna nbsp 1922 The Destruction of Islam's city of Tolerance' By Giles Milton I decide to also publish this article on my website Being more and more aware of the d
published: 12th May 2010 by http://www.cspipublishing.com/pdfs/WebSitePDF/13LessReadMe_12.pdfHe is Lord He is Lord
published: 7th January 2010 by C1 refers to the unity in the Godhead and is the number of unity It signifies beginnings and is in that way related to the number 8 which starts a thing over So it reveals that
published: 21st May 2010 by http://bloodspawn-7k.blogspot.com/2007/07/bible-numerology.htmlThis is one of the best videos on youtube and it shares 12 testimonies of poeple from wide and different backgrounds These people testify how they see Jesus visiting them in person or how ange
published: 7th January 2010 by YoutubeThis is a spiritual discussion and offers a reason why Derrick Bird Michael Ryan Anders Behring Breivik and others went on a killing spree
published: 3rd June 2010 by by Gabriel Kolbedemons and angels in the same room your authority your free will and choices is what tips the scales give demons power or give angels power
published: 26th June 2013 by Gabriel KolbeA quick explanation why people confuse baptism christening and infant baptism
published: 4th June 2010 byLaw is inseparable from sovereignty every word from a sovereign power is a binding word Logically there can only be one sovereign and He is the Lord God of Scripture To deny His laws in
published: 7th June 2010 byMany children that experience a near death experience have seen angels It is astonishing how many of these children rsquo s experiences are the same This story will make you excited all over agai
published: 11th June 2010 byBusy reading a book 'Pagan Christianity ' by Frank Viola and George Barna How blindly we follow the ways and people that has gone before us How easy not to investigate the truth a
published: 15th June 2010 by by Sam Walter Foss (NH 1858-1911)Show us the straight way the way of those whom Thou hast favored not the way of those who earn Thine angeror of those who go astray nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp
published: 16th June 2010 by www.i-am.org/infinite_mercy.htmThe hour that changed the world spending an hour in prayer with God Praise and Worship Waiting on the Lord Confession Intercession
published: 17th June 2010 by Dick EastmanTake authority daily in your spiritual life read word
published: 26th June 2013 by Gabriel KolbeSynopsis of Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola and George Barna
published: 23rd June 2010 by Frank Viola and George BarnaA 2 000-year-old Date Palm seed from the time of Christ germinates nbsp <div
published: 29th July 2010 by http://stillwatersministry.com/datepalmtree.htmTranscript 0 02shallow everybody 0 05off the money was
published: 23rd October 2013 byEzra 2 nbsp "1 nbsp Now these were the people of the province who came up out of the captiv
published: 29th July 2010 by http://stillwatersministry.com/Study of the Bible will increase knowledge which may only make you proud The goal should be to know Jesus better and to trust Him more <img src= http www propheticvoice co uk images torah
published: 10th August 2010 by http://www.differentspirit.org/evidence/torah.phpGod reveals 3 ways Satan like to trick deceive and attack us
published: 23rd October 2013 by Gabriel KolbeThe Archaeology of the Middle East The religion of Islam has as its focus of worship a deity by the name of Allah The Muslims claim that Allah in pre-Islamic times was the biblical
published: 24th September 2014 by www.biblebelievers.org.auDo not deceive yourselves If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age he should become a fool
published: 11th August 2010 by http://www.bereanpublishers.com/Apologetics/computer_proof.htm#_Toc53075492711 September marks a strategic date in history It marks the defeat of the Islamic Jihad against Malta The Turkish Threat In 1565 Islam was threatening all of Euro
published: 7th January 2010 byCHAPTER 12 excerpt for fair use discussion from The Signature of God By Grant R Jeffery The Book has many chapters of impressive study and research including photos
published: 11th August 2010 by http://sevenfoldtruth.com/panin.htmIn the last week Turkeys parlement voted to get involved in the conflict in Syria and Iraq fighting ISL Does it work like this America gets rid of Sadam - paving the way for the Arab spring th
published: 3rd October 2014 by http:/www.vriendenvanisrael.nl/?p=2155When I show this stuff to people the response I often get is If you fiddle enough with any other book and fiddle the mathematics you can get any book to show extra ordinary mathematical calculat
published: 18th August 2010 by Summarised by Gabriel Kolbe from other sourcesThe Deaf amp Dumb Spirit Second Edition by Todd Bentley Lesson 4 Unbelief There is a stronghold over North America and much of the West
published: 20th October 2014 by http://www.godspeak.net/hs_lessons/hs34_week4.htmlThis dream was dreamt in February 2010 I do not know the person personally but it is a friend of a friend It was originally written in Af
published: 26th August 2010 byHas God given man 6000 years to rule himself before Jesus returns to take over Many Christians think the Bible teaches this and they use leverage it to predict the year of Jesus Second Coming But i
published: 7th January 2010 by http://www.escapeallthesethings.com/6000-year-timeline.htmThis dream was dreamt in February 2010 I do not know the person personally but it is a friend of a friend It was originally written in Afrikaans I have translated into English nbsp <
published: 26th August 2010 byThis articles is translated under Farmers fix road Boere en hulle werkers maak pad reg en betaal self < h
published: 2nd September 2010 by skryf Peet Simonis - gekry via emailThis articles was translated from Boere maak pad reg Farmers and their workers fix road and pay for it themselves
published: 2nd September 2010 by Received the artikel by email written by Peet SimonisA Simplified Overview of the Feasts of the LORD <img id= Picture215 src= http www propheticvoice co uk images life teachings lev23-4 gif alt= align= left border= 0 height= 27 widt
published: 24th November 2014 by http://www.hebrew4christians.com/Holidays/Introduction/introduction.htmlI Listened today to the Bloodriver mp3 given by Peter Hammond by Frontline Fellowship This is an out standing mp3 and definitely worth listening to if have interest in Southern Africa Not
published: 7th September 2010 by came from a CD by Peter Hammond from Frontline FellowshipGod is not please with people who sit in church but their hearts is far from him in the week daily service to god is the beginning disciple
published: 24th November 2014 by Gabriel KolbeChristian Scrollable Timeline information from Wikipedia Scroll left and right to see all data n
published: 24th November 2014 by Gabriel KolbeI place this teaching here on the crusades because I think it is important that you understand and know history - from a God perspective nb
published: 16th September 2010 by Frontline Fellowship - Peter HammondThe way in which Jesus fulfilled the Jewish feasts is a fascinating study In the Hebrew Scriptures the Jewish proph
published: 27th November 2014 by http://www.gotquestions.org/Jewish-feasts.htmlGod is still revealing Himself in supernatural ways in this day and age nbsp Journey into the realm of His nbsp end-time revelations <
published: 6th October 2010 by http://www.endtimerevelations.org/Musilm guy raised by Muslim family from Lebanon trained to Jihad <iframe title= YouTube video player src= http www youtube com embed gccio1vE41M allowfullscreen= frameborder= 0 height
published: 23rd February 2011 byStrife in marriage is devastating strife come in different forms some loud and screaming shouting argumentative other quiet and brooding
published: 1st December 2014 by Gabriel KolbeBelow is an article discussing the Masturbations as a sin I write this article mostly from a mans point of view
published: 7th April 2011 byThe sight of a feather in a peacocks tail whenever I gaze at it makes me sick wrote Charles Darwin to botanist Asa Gray on April 3 1860 His comments arent surprising Aft
published: 3rd December 2014 by http://www.ucg.org/science/god-science-and-bible-peacocks-feather-displays-defy-evolutionist-explanations/Summary of the book of Chronicles in the bible difference between kings and chronincles geneologies three kings main characters the temple
published: 4th December 2014 by www.livingstonefellowship.co.zaArcheologist find what we presume is noah's ark < i
published: 7th January 2010 byTSEMACH is translated in the King James as Branch it refers to Christ in prophesyThe NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon<td valign= top width=
published: 4th December 2014 by http://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/hebrew/nas/tsemach.htmlIn recent years the courts rules almost always in favour for gay rights Citing Humans rights as a reason Any person who even lightly reads his her bible will know this is against God's moral sta
published: 28th February 2011 bySKENOO is used by John once in John 1 and 5 tiimes in Revalations In John in regards to Yashua nbsp living with us was He born on the first day of tablernacles And in Revelations wher
published: 5th December 2014 by http://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/greek/kjv/skenoo.htmlThis is a pretty neat story and an interesting thing that few of us know It's brief so please read FROM A DOCTOR A couple of days ago I was running I use that term ve
published: 4th March 2011 by http://www.discoverlaminin.comsummary of the 1 and 2 samuel eli saul hannah deals with time of transition eli disaster power of god idols for destruction demand of king
published: 5th December 2014 by www.livingstonefellowship.co.zaIncreased Persecution of Christians Along with the tidal wave of protests and riots on the streets of the Middle East has come a sharp increase of violent persecution of Ch
published: 8th March 2011 byAstronomy NOT Astrology We are investingating how God placed His plans in the Stars As Romans 1 20 says God made the invisible unseen
published: 8th December 2014 by Gabriel Kolbe from sourcesThis video explains why for Israel to give up land to the Palestinian will be suicide It makes sense to me <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" s
published: 7th January 2010 by http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytWmPqY8TE0Not many folks have heard about the Bible in the stars This is definitely NOT astrology Astrology can't even put three signs together to make a story whereas the 48 constellations that make
published: 8th December 2014 by http://asis.com/users/stag/zodiac.htmlproverbs10 25 When the storm has swept by the wicked are gone nbsp nbsp nbsp but the righteous stand firm forever
published: 25th March 2011 by email from www.frontline.org.zaIn Aramaic Jesus Christ addresses God as MarYA In Aramaic Peshitta Aramaic NT you will see Jesus Christ saying MarYA several times YA Y
published: 9th December 2014 by http://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/8504/why-did-jesus-never-address-god-by-the-name-jehovahWhere is the Ben Hinnom Valley <img style="border 0pt none padding 3px float left " title="Valley of Ben Hinnom" src="http www propheticvoice co uk images hermana 023 jpg" alt="Valle
published: 25th March 2011 by Hermana Viljoen emailssummary of Ruth famine in the land disobedienced leads to disaster time to leave discouragement or discerment two decisions determination
published: 9th December 2014 by www.livingstonefellowship.co.zaThe following is one educated person's oppinion how true it is I don't knowTwo weeks ago Prof Barkai discussed the graves surrounding Jerusalem which date back to the 2nd Tem
published: 25th March 2011 by Hermana Viljoen emails< --[if gte mso 9]> < [endif]-->< --[if gte mso 9]> <w WordDocum
published: 11th December 2014 by http://tabletmag.com/jewish-life-and-religion/161086/observing-torah-like-jesusHebrew Roots movement in the Western Church Have been listening to different teachers on Hebrew roots here are some of my thoughts ]What does it mean to live in line with Heb
published: 11th December 2014 by http://tabletmag.com/jewish-life-and-religion/161086/observing-torah-like-jesusBy John S Stratton Guest Writer nbsp CBN com -- ldquo Don rsquo t Eat the Fish rdquo This m
published: 13th April 2011 byCOMMON DEMON GROUPINGS - As given by Frank amp Ida Mae <a href= http www bookabout net authors hammond-f
published: 13th December 2014 by pigs in the parlourA couple years ago I took an afternoon to visit to the Spanish fortress at St Augustine Florida Im somewhat of a history fan so I like to stop at sites that
published: 13th April 2011 byRomans 10 tells us that faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of Christ To help us believe God for healing oursleve
published: 15th December 2014 bysummary of judges in the bible contrasts faith and unbelieve obedience and anarchy failure compromise to paganism selective obedience
published: 15th December 2014 by www.livingstonefellowship.co.zaThe TV is my shepherd I shall not want for entertainment It maketh me to lie down on the sofa It leadeth me away from the Scriptures It destroyeth my soul
published: 17th May 2011 bySummary of the book of Joshua in the bible crossing the Jordan spiritual warfare delay of disobedience joshua generation step out in faith
published: 19th December 2014 by www.livingstonefellowship.co.zaAgtergrond Dr Chris Russouw afgetrede veearts en tandards is lidmaat van nbsp die NG gemeente George in die Suid-Kaap nbsp Verlede jaar
published: 6th June 2011 bySarah Binayamo Boyanga - a young girl tell a very interesting and convinci
published: 13th January 2015 by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_DAC25I-AILance Lambert Prophecy about the Arab spring
published: 7th June 2011 byOk what about Lucy and the human skeletons they ve found Lucy is a 3 foot monkey skeleton that they have declared to be the skeleton of an intermediate stage of evolutionary development
published: 16th January 2015 by http://www.bibleprophecyandtruth.com/creation/lucy.aspxThe place was at a small village named Kara Kala at the foot of Mount Ararat [the mountainwhere Noah s ark landed] in a part of Turkey where the Armenian people lived the year was 1853 The
published: 7th June 2011 byHoliness is the virtue of being holy set apart sanctified The verb to consecrate hagiazo means to set a place apart for God to make it h
published: 24th June 2011 by http://latter-rain.com/perspectives/holi.htmDeliverance do you need it how to do it and knowing the basic principles
published: 29th January 2015 by gabrielhistory about inquisition protestant believers burned on stake witches catholicism and pope persecute real church historical facts history
published: 11th February 2015 by www.frontline.org.zaGod finger prints in creation seen in sevens gestation periods of people and animals incubation period of insects numerology bullinger
published: 11th February 2015 bysummary of the book of exodus in the bible from bondage freedom the names of god the meaning of the ten plagues christ in the old testament
published: 11th February 2015 by www.frontline.org.zasummary of deuteronomy book in bible new generation graduation speech recollection regulation our God no syncretism retribution oppression
published: 11th February 2015 by www.frontline.org.zasummary of the book of numbers in the bible wilderness wanderings bad examples good report disbelief disobedience judgement rebellion
published: 11th February 2015 by www.livingstonefellowship.co.zaGod in 1991 asked me to intercede for Israel and Jerusalem little did I know that Israel is under attach by scud missiles
published: 29th July 2011 bychristians focusing all their efforts on evangelising western world america not the 10 40 window where it is needed
published: 16th February 2015 by http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news1199/gospel.htmlRecently I have been listening to 3 Testimonies All 3 was excellent and at points I had to stop the MP3 player as I got too emotional ~ Lisa Paxton is by a girl who was b
published: 7th October 2011 by http://www.awmi.net/extra/audio/testimoniesThe Bible suffered for translated in many languages studied impacted cultures brought blessing archaeological digs historical accuracy
published: 3rd March 2015 by Gabriel KolbePosted by Daniel St Pi
published: 10th October 2011 by http://www.cybergenica.com/blog/business-post/is-steve-jobs-in-burning-in-hell/I designed this theme a few years ago to fit on a black t-shirt I had a single one printed and it looks good and is an excellent talking point to christians and non-christians alike I am NOT a fa
published: 27th October 2011 byلديك شكوك حول مصيرك الأبدي وهل ستذهب إلى السماء ماذا تعني كلمة يهوه ماذا سيفعل "يهوه" لك الآن و عند موتك
published: 4th February 2015 by غابريالالترجمة: ميسم طنّوس
When my sisters chidren where toddlers she took a blank ordinary writting book cut our all sorts of pictures from magazines then as you show each picture her children would tell you what it is
published: 3rd November 2011 byDesigned this T-shirt a few years ago yellow horse on black t-shirt Psalm32 9 Be not as the Horse or the MULE which have no UNDERSTANDING whose MOUTH must be held in which BIT and BRIDLE lest the
published: 7th January 2010 byيكشف الله عن 3 طرق يرغب بها الشيطان ان يخدعنا و يهاجمنا.
published: 4th February 2015 by غابريالالترجمة: ميسم طنّوس
Three Nails by a Brilliant young christian artist Ryan Bismarck Wessels <img style="border 0pt none margin 8px float left " title="Three Nails Ryan Bismarck Wessels" src="http w
published: 8th November 2011 byالصراع في الزواج هو مدمّر و يأتي في أشكال مختلفة, بعضه في الصراخ و الجدل و بعضه في
published: 19th February 2015 by غابريالالترجمة: ميسم طنّوس
ideas on witnessing to unbelievers in the UK
published: 28th November 2011 by Written By Gabriel KolbeThe effects are apparent in many countries improvident habit
published: 1st December 2011 byThis is a brilliant teaching by Ps Glen Berteau on Halloween one of the best on the subject Ive heard Worth listening to if you have children and live in the western world especially <
published: 6th December 2011 byApparently not proven as we don't have the ark currently but there is no proof against Ron Wyatt's claims This articles comes from bibleplus org and is placed here for those who are inte
published: 6th December 2011 by http://www.bibleplus.org/discoveries/arkintro.htmThe Bible is its own best teacher The Bible however is not arranged like an encyclopedia You cannot go to chapter 1 and read everything about God and go to chapter 2 to read everything about Jesus
published: 6th December 2011 by http://www.churchesofchrist.net/authors/Butch_Walker/nt/bibleunderstanding.htmDVD of fear and sexual imorality can be a bad influence avoid avoid avoid be wise fear God dont watch bad tv stay away from strife
published: 8th December 2011 by written by Gabriel KolbeOn October 30 2008 the United Nations condemned the stoning to death of Aisha Duhulowa a 13-year-old girl who had been gang-raped and then sentenced to death by a Sharia court for fornication Z
published: 3rd February 2012 by Hasan Mahmud http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=6157Prophetic Word f
published: 3rd February 2012 by http://www.kingdomfire.ca/prophetic-word.phpالترجمة: ميسم طنّوس
Then I saw an angel coming down from Heaven having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand He laid hold of the dragon that serpent of old who is the devil and satan
published: 8th February 2012 byالترجمة: ميسم طنّوس
Luke 9 1 When Jesus had called the Twelve together he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases 2 and he sent them out to preach
published: 15th February 2012 by http://www.theelijahchallenge.org/Teachings/Why did Jesus command his disciple the heal the sick.htmIt is never a good idea to marry someone for what reason what so ever which are not a christian If you are one It is very unwise and plainly disobedient I have seen many christians having to
published: 1st March 2012 by http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2012/February06/0685.htmlBy Wayne Jackson Says - The most insidious and damaging ideology ever foisted upon the mind of modern man is the notion that human beings are but animals and the offspring of other more p
published: 6th March 2012 by http://www.christiancourier.com/articles/567-why-people-believe-in-evolutionالترجمة: ميسم طنّوس
Louis Britz testimony Hettie Britz rape and recovery
published: 17th April 2012 by emailprayer asking Gods blessing on business and house hold and children
published: 30th March 2015 by Johan BoettcherApologies for our english speaking guests this testimony was writtten in Afrikaans <
published: 17th April 2012 byI love all people and I am loved by all people I prosper in everything I put my hand to I have prosperity in all areas of my life spiritually financially mentally and socially
published: 6th May 2012 byMario Joseph was an imam at age 18 Then he became a Christian and his father tried to kill him Today he is a Catholic preacher in India
published: 20th April 2015 by http://www.aleteia.org/en/religion/article/the-dangerous-road-from-imam-to-catholic-preacher-an-interview-with-mario-joseph-13174001Stakelbeck on Terror Show A Conversation with Geert Wilders<
published: 11th May 2012 by http://blogs.cbn.com/stakelbeckonterror/GOD LOVES ME MORE THAN ANYONE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WOLRD
published: 20th April 2015 by Gabriel KolbeThe fool says in his heart there is no God bank rolling satan via Holywood
published: 14th May 2012 bySaya ingin memperkenalkan mantan Imam Muslim, Mario Joseph yang menjadi seorang Kristen setelah mempelajari Alquran. Ini berawal dari seseorang yang bertanya tentang siapa Yesus
published: 21st April 2015 byHere is a brilliant explanation on how Metamorphosis a catapillar to a butterfly works and how Darwins evolution fall flat on its face trying to explain it
published: 15th May 2012 byA drone, Anguish, Lost things how they came together and how it all worked out, the parable Jesus never told
published: 29th July 2024 by Gabriel Kolbestaying Hot for God avoiding modern idolatry of business and tv watching living a secular life
published: 23rd April 2015 by Gabriel KolbeBless the Lord o my soul by Matt Redman
published: 20th May 2019 by CBless the Lord o my soul in Japanese
published: 20th May 2019 by CBig Brother Britain: Extraordinary moment police FINE pedestrian £90 for disorderly behaviour after he tries to cover his face from facial recognition camera on the streets of London, system of the beast
published: 20th May 2019 by Mark Duell For Mailonline<img style= vertical-align bottom title= Sadhu Sundar Singh src= http www propheticvoice co uk images masters feet Sadhu Sundar Singh jpg alt= Sadhu Sundar Singh height= 207 width
published: 18th May 2012 bycomparing christ with mohammed in islam and christianity comparing jihad with crusades
published: 18th May 2015 byDoes eating more salt prevent migraines and severe headaches?
published: 21st June 2019 by Https://www.newscientist.com/article/2101015-does-eating-more-salt-prevent-migraines-and-severe-headaches/What is the chief end of man Our purpose is to worship God and to enjoy Him forever The Psalms are the songs and prayers of a man after Go
published: 4th June 2015 by www.livingstonefellowship.co.zaMom, can I be a witch? Pastor Glen Berteau
published: 21st June 2019 by Glen Berteau<img style= margin 5px vertical-align bottom title= William Duma src= http www propheticvoice co uk images SS Ulysses 1933 Album Page 32a jpg alt= William Duma - 1933 - 3 Zulus height= 6
published: 21st May 2012 by http://healing2thenations.net/papers/duma.htm, http://www.sermonindex.net/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=25216&forum=34&0Creation Evidence - Metamorphosis
published: 21st June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=medoy8ioais&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=iwar1mqgvhturatze6tzor4hzrhlmd5seolie61i6fke7of4lbrrbhoepw-q4A New Move of God has begun This same angel furthermore said to me in the dream It takes God 18-20 years to raise up a true Apostle
published: 1st June 2012 by http://www.joshuamediaministries.org/prophecytoamerica/whatisgodsayingBaby Born INSTANTLY In Church - T. B Joshua
published: 21st June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx43lbn3dea&feature=shareWhenever you are inconsiderate of each other's feelings you destroy the love that you have for each other The most common ways that y
published: 13th June 2012 by http://www.marriagebuilders.com/graphic/mbi5505_qa.html6 main reasons why people go to hell Self reliance Indifference Pride Lack of knowledge Tradition Procrastination
published: 11th June 2015 by Gabriel KolbeScientific Proof That Hell Exists, Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries
published: 21st June 2019 by Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministriesplacing God first before you do anything
published: 26th June 2015 by Gabriel KolbeFrancis Chan - How NOT To Make Disciples
published: 21st June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kia-dgx_3y&feature=shareThe question I am most frequently asked by visitors to this web site is how can I survive my spouses affair After having counseled thousands of couples with hundreds of marital conflicts I am
published: 20th June 2012 byThe Quran, the Bible, and the Islamic Dilemma
published: 21st June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnas0aavim4&feature=shareContact Points Items or thiings that give Satan legal right to interfer in you life Examples are Budda statues idol bangels earings used or made by someone in the occult or
published: 21st June 2012 byHow should church be Holy spirit and gifts in church disciples church buildings fighting Satan
published: 13th July 2015 by Gabriel KolbeDerek Prince - Do You Fear God
published: 21st June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9rv4k2pf1u&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=iwar3rv43mg96klny8da3ehnjbwvcqyka7vr1lqqr4j2cpzmcaylzjqljmxmaProverbs deals with counsel to the young contrasts in the proverbs of jesus discipleship wisedom for salvation tranformation good work
published: 3rd August 2015 by Frontline FellowshipJim Caviezel Testimony (Actor Who Played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ Film)
published: 21st June 2019 by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ejaw0F8-sY&feature=youtu.be7 powerful deliverance prayers that can change your life set you free from demonic oppressions and possessions
published: 11th August 2015 by Mark VirklerDr. Ravi Zacharias - How Can a Good God Allow Evil? Does Life Have Meaning?
published: 23rd June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it7mhq8feq0<span id="internal-source-marker 0 5552519748297673" style="font-size 15px font-family Arial color #000000 background-color transparent font-weight normal font-style normal font-variant
published: 2nd December 2010 byare we to keep the whole law torah under a new covenant
published: 1st September 2015 by http://www.oneforisrael.org/blog/389-is-there-really-such-a-thing-as-torah-observantJesus in Genesis: 1. The First Word of the Bible
published: 23rd June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmnuknt55guWhat I find amazing is that the bible says that Elizabeth and Zechariah was both righteous before the God walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless Things to
published: 2nd March 2012 by 27/12/2010 12:45Noahs ark has been found
published: 21st December 2015 by http://www.6000years.org/frame.php?page=noahs_arkThe Amazing First Verse of the Bible - In The Beginning (An Ichthus Film)
published: 23rd June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmeaznsaudmStanding when you have fallen In Romans 7 Paul says that 19 For I do not do the good I want to do but the evil I do not want to do mdash this
published: 2nd April 2012 by 28/12/2010 14:28Lee Stoneking Addresses UN General Assembly
published: 23rd June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyt8sv4vzqsThe red sea crossing archaeology or archeology discovery of the historical event
published: 22nd December 2015 by http://www.6000years.org/frame.php?page=red_sea_crossingChuck Missler - Hidden Codes, Gospel Hidden In Adam's Geneology
published: 27th June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2jt1rydtaiIn the last few weeks I feel so many spiritual attack - which often go hand in hand with emotional attacks I feel dispondent just 'down' and temptations to do something 'exciting' is thrown befor
published: 6th March 2011 byDr Preet - .Hindu girl met Lord Jesus..Lovely Testimony
published: 27th June 2019 by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3shDa9bZAMLet me give you a bit of our family history This will make you understand the consequence of sin and the long term effects it can have on p
published: 6th March 2011 byArtifacts that Challenge Evolution Throughout the Geologic Column
published: 27th June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh9yomfo38g&fbclid=iwar02sv9cn27ppamwyauoomg60trmk7-ahgarxp2wwlawokvxysq97croo8wWere the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? discussing egyptian timelines
published: 27th June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vi1yrtc6kge&t=1s&fbclid=iwar1obluqmgchir3vqiasqs8iurbiqc5tsinmknzzots_nf0t-8elz0lk4woHow to deal with sin and guilt and temptation Sin Sometimes it obvious sometimes it is slyg and creeps up on you What does sin do
published: 9th November 2012 byPastor Mark Biltz shows how the Scriptures reveal Jesus' actual birthday
published: 27th June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuzclcqgmr8&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=iwar1zgfwdqaqq5dmecdzf95wkgaf2gat6iuam1lzu4rxxwyuap-tc9-cc8x8Saw a brief vision before I slept last night 4 watches on an arm Does it mean 4 years 4 periods
published: 6th August 2011 by 08/06/2011Derek Walker - The true Location of the Temple
published: 27th June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu5ozcdn1zu&fbclid=iwar10e2owxejlphj9mt_fei0d51eljhex9dzld6m9tliyhdwjtwokthl2djoEight holidays Yeshua Jesus celebrated Rosh HaShanah bible name Yom Teruah Feast of Trumpets <span class=
published: 6th July 2012 bywhere is heaven and hell? heaven is in the sky and hell is in the earth
published: 31st July 2024 by Gabriel KolbeKFC founder, Colonel Sanders on how JESUS saved him (1979)
published: 27th June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odc8euslklw&fbclid=iwar2clcen0tdmhgrzc09z0x4dd6jjlwxsabrqp0i2ituj1evsqu7dprtrp0gMessianic Christian Hanakkuh Devotions for each night 1 Time night- First night 1 Light the f
published: 6th July 2012 byDo your child have behavioural problems social problem struggle at school lack of attention struggle to concentrate
published: 14th March 2016 by Gabriel KolbeRavi Zacharias Vs. John Piper On Why God Allows Evil To Exist!
published: 27th June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhwwplnkmzy&fbclid=iwar221o7wfhzsk5kmlz1b_ydjspgqcsdyf9_jxo2ccpg02xg_jomdwws4e0eOnce again I realise how sneaky Satans tricks are he is the master of deception Hes had loads of time to practise He deceives deflects diverts cover up out right lies To keep
published: 6th July 2012 byNoah's Flood and Catastrophic Plate Tectonics (from Pangea to Today)
published: 27th June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd5-dhxoqhg&fbclid=iwar2qgzxedk39seygc1xqgn52xpdcri1vq-ghbvm-sk0qhuuarjdzua3k49sStruggle with Hebrews 6 4-6 dealing with fear of falling away and backsliding as a christian
published: 26th July 2012 by Gabriel KolbeJentezen Franklin - What Happens in the Unseen World When We Fast and Pray
published: 27th June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9r23j3s5yg&t=1011s&fbclid=iwar3oosl3641lt57nazdyrkuvxdpquqh1nqtrsnxswevqrrrzqonk-yt0l4aIn the aftermath of the Joker Massacre at the Dark Knight screening in Colorado 20 July 2012 some sought to blame firearms Yet evil does not reside in cold metal inanimate objects Evil comes f
published: 26th July 2012 by FrontlineHenry Gruve - After Death Trip Through Outer Space
published: 27th June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efj7h_r3s6c&fbclid=iwar34nfrdo-6qqg9pa5e5rbiyniq_ixb5ov-icefmqlta-6xuljxhofi9vrgSome churches have a sign over the inside of their doorway declaring You are now entering the Mission Field That is a good reminder that the church ser
published: 14th August 2012 bythe effects of sin
published: 19th May 2016 by Gabriel KolbeRobert Morris - Free Indeed - Beware of Demonic Spirits
published: 27th June 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue9wjbkzet0&t=1570s&fbclid=iwar0vo5gtra6g_zlew_4om_jqboxvfdulfoha-4th_v-vjp12gd-zr5367r8Dear Pastor Kolbe My name is Could please teach me how to bind the Ruler of Darkness in prayer for salvation for loved ones and friends and also from financial situations Tha
published: 27th October 2012 byProphecy emerges when the meanings of all 72 names in the genealogy from Adam to Jesus are read sequentially
published: 22nd November 2016 by http://www.bible-codes.org/Names-bible-code-printable.htmRobert Morris - STOP tolerating Jezebel spirit
published: 1st July 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtw074wff9o&t=1814s&fbclid=iwar0lzeolhoehsdzi0w5qxk2cxtgxzp4m4djs1owemqza8f3brdbssq5fbcaImage of the beast inside our homes image of the beast explained image of the beast in scripture
published: 5th April 2017 byDistant Starlight vs. the Biblical Timeline
published: 1st July 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgvds-t5jy0&fbclid=iwar0uzjkr_1upxwsbyrfe_w81ylqstgkbpzyd7qv49f27ua8pjnexj1azcjsRobert Mawire - A.D. 2026 End Time Theory
published: 1st July 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgn0t4x67k0&fbclid=iwar0ks4ynb3hiifc5ml8_untmuacxa0gz5zcvahldkqnr09_armlx3e5cac8god provided in seeds much potential you are created with unlimited potential you can be a tree or a small plant
published: 15th November 2012 by Gabriel KolbeBible proved correct via archaeology - city of Hazor
published: 10th July 2017 by https://www.christiancourier.com/articles/100-city-of-hazor-and-old-testament-accuracy-the http://www.christiananswers.net/dictionary/hazor.htmlDaniel Ekechukwu - Pastor Dead for 3 Days in Morgue, Sentenced to Hell !!!
published: 1st July 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzx4nyzkc2u&fbclid=iwar2tqjnxz2uwjz7yzaqcz2drtobgqohl4uz6tjjcpnz8l-qfro1dzfpqrceFor some reason which I
published: 19th November 2012 by http://www.creationworldview.org/articles_view.asp?id=6Robert Morris – Symbols – More Than Words
published: 1st July 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et-w-brzad8&fbclid=iwar2hjzri3ezqsam86kkuzn_hbpef82pakbkg_tusrudlqpammo8hlj8pbpqGuardian Angels and Mysterious Light Beings Caught on Camera
published: 1st July 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg2yehsc_j8&fbclid=iwar1dmstxoqdfgd5kwut1vn3s9upxdyzstfryvcv13c4789owyrsmq4mnm0aChapter 1 My Escape to "New Life" "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22 6 <p a
published: 21st November 2012 by Permission Granted by Emmanuel Eni to reproduce his testimonyBreaking News - Ten Commandments Found Inside DNA Molecule !!!
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published: 23rd November 2012 by Gabriel KolbeDEREK PRINCE - DEMON GANGS: EXPLAINED
published: 1st July 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxqdln__zkq&fbclid=iwar3nnyow32ha9rz_dkvpvymrayl5chuvb5-qcjoe90fgvzo1pmkleuymfuuBill Warner - Jihad vs Crusades
published: 1st July 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_to-cv94bo&fbclid=iwar3jmjc9jwk4uuwd1wmwcogl7k_utby4ltnhqg8mar0_n_m22y0t3tmtw14Worldviews is reflect the way we see the world and our enviroment it influence how we see God and ourselves and religion it can make us hard
published: 27th November 2012 by Gabriel KolbeTransgender Becomes Born Again, Sends This Message To The World
published: 1st July 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rx05bmwmw4my testimony
published: 4th January 2013 byI found a Jesus who taught LOVE for all people, not HATE!
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published: 2nd July 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=si5c9v_lj1sOne of the more recent Christmas traditions has been the repeated assertions on the internet in the press and from some pulpits that the 25th December could not have been Jesu
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published: 2nd July 2019 by Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruq8zte4duyHinduism is one of the oldest known organized religions its sacred writings date as far back as 1400 to 1500 B C It is also one of the most diverse and complex having millions
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published: 7th January 2010 by CStephan Bouwer
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published: 1st June 2016 by Gabriel KolbeGIVE THANKS
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published: 22nd February 2011 byHALLELUJAH - YOUR LOVE IS AMAZING
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published: 7th January 2010 by CElisabeth Eybers
published: 22nd February 2011 byHE IS FAIRER
published: 7th January 2010 by CElisabeth Eybers
published: 22nd February 2011 byHE IS LOVELY
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published: 22nd February 2011 byHIS NAME IS EXALTED
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published: 22nd February 2011 byHungry, Falling on my knees
published: 7th January 2010 by CIngrid Jonker
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published: 1st June 2016 byI AM A NEW CREATION
published: 7th January 2010 by CIngrid Jonker
published: 23rd February 2011 byI BOW MY KNEE BEFORE YOUR THRONE
published: 7th January 2010 by CIngrid Jonker
published: 23rd February 2011 byI JUST WANT TO BE WHERE YOU ARE
published: 7th January 2010 by CIngrid Jonker
published: 23rd February 2011 byI LOVE TO BE IN YOUR PRESENCE
published: 7th January 2010 by CIngrid Jonker
published: 23rd February 2011 byI LOVE YOU LORD
published: 7th January 2010 by CWilhelm Jordaan
published: 23rd February 2011 byI WALK BY FAITH
published: 7th January 2010 by CPA Joubert
published: 23rd February 2011 byI WANT TO BE OUT OF MY DEBT IN YOUR LOVE
published: 7th January 2010 by CA.D. Keet
published: 23rd February 2011 byI WAS MADE TO PRAISE YOU
published: 7th January 2010 by COlga Kirsch
published: 23rd February 2011 byHo to make
published: 7th January 2010 by CKoos Kombuis
published: 23rd February 2011 byRemove the comma from beginning or end of string with php
published: 1st June 2016 byCategories
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