

PRAY THIS PRAYER IN FAITH TRUSTING THE LORD Daily for Spiritual preparation and warfare




Lord, I enter into your gates with thanksgiving and thanks offerings and into Your courts with praise

(Ps 100:4)  Lord, you say the prayer of the upright is Your delight (Prov 15:8) and that you hear it (Prov 15:29)

Father, in the Name of Jesus I plead the Blood of Jesus over myself, my family (detail), my servants (detail), my animals, my property and all my possession especially my vehicles and the vehicles of my family. I plead the bloodline of Jesus around all this, asking that You send Your protection angels to protect all these.

Father, will you please clothe me in the full armour as you instruct me in Your word (Eph 6:13)

(Pray detail ) Also let the fruits of Your Spirit be evident in my life. (Gal 5:22 )


Father in the Name of Jesus I bind every demonic spirit, winged creature, every projected and gossip spirit (Eccl10:20)  with blindness, deafness & confusion so that they will not know what we do for You.

In the Name of Jesus I turn every curse spoken out against me into a blessing, every judgement against me to Your grace, every criticism to Your forgiveness and freedom, and every negative word into a positive blessing from You.

In the Name of Jesus I remove, break and declare null and void every soulish prayer, over my family and me. I also remove all kinds of charismatic witchcraft from my family and me.  (Ps 140:3-4)

In the Name of Jesus I come against any satanic and witch’s chanting, rituals and curses, I ask You Father to remove any curses from me and my family, and expose any contact points and plantings against the servants of the Lord.

Father in the name of Jesus I bind in chains and fetters of iron (Ps149:8) every demon assigned to me and my family, I uplift them from their assignment through the blood of Jesus.

Lord, I pray that You send the hornet among those who want to destroy me (Deut 7:20)

In the name of Jesus I ask that You throw confusion into the camp of the enemy.( Ps70:2) .


I ask that You give me Your gift of discernment so that I will know when to pray for what. (Ps91: 3-6) Father, In the Name of Jesus I ask you to sanctify this oil (use olive oil) which is symbolic of Your anointing, You say that the anointing breaks the yoke. (Is 10:27) I anoint myself in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to do Your perfect will today. I ask that you will bind my thoughts to the thoughts of Christ Jesus and that You will help me to take my thoughts captive to the obedience and glorification of Jesus Christ. (2 Cor 10:3-6)


Father I ask that You will help me to renew my attitudes and the thoughts of my mind today. Clothe me with the Lord Jesus Christ and help me to walk as Jesus walked. (1 John 2:6)

Father, will You please instruct Your angels to move ahead of me this day, to prepare the way for me. To obtain favour in the eyes of the people I deal with, and to go out and bring in the business that You have for me.

Father I ask You to place a wall of fire around me and my family, and my brothers and sisters in Christ (detail) and all our possessions for Your protection. (Zech 2:5)

Father, in the Name of Jesus I bind every spirit of retaliation and return every spirit of retaliation’s deed upon his own head (Joel 3:4)

I ask You, Holy Spirit, to remind me this day of Your word, let it be a revelation to me. Remind me also to pray constantly in the Spirit, in tongues and with petitions and thanksgiving making my requests known to the Father.

Help me to remember that nothing can separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:28-39)

Above all I ask You to help me to love You and the people around me, as Jesus loved.



Published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe
