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Simple php annual - yearly - calendar

Simple yearly annual php calendar script

Simple php annual - yearly - calendar

Here is a simple annual yearly php calendar script. I got it from the internet ( www.gaijin.at/en/scrphpcalj.php ) , then I updated it into a function and removing the layout part from tables to bootstrap 3.  You can use the function in your controller then you echo $calendar in your view. I display the code twice once as a simple calendar and the second time I get values from my events in my database then insert it into an array then if it is there I have a a href link that click through to the event.


public function calendar()


$calendar = '<span align=center style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:18pt; color:#ff9900;">'.$year.'</span>';
$calendar .= '<div class="row">';

for ($line=1; $line<=3; $line++) {
	$calendar .= '<div class="col-md-12"><div class="row">';
	for ($column=1; $column<=4; $column++) {
		if ($first==0) $first=7;
		$calendar .= '<div class="col-md-3">';
		$calendar .= '<table border=0 align=center style="font-size:8pt; font-family:Verdana">';
		$calendar .=  '<th colspan=7 align=center style="font-size:12pt; font-family:Arial; color:#666699;">'.$months[$this_month-1].'</th>';
		$calendar .=  '<tr><td style="color:#666666"><b>Mon</b></td><td style="color:#666666"><b>Tue</b></td>';
		$calendar .=  '<td style="color:#666666"><b>Wed</b></td><td style="color:#666666"><b>Thu</b></td>';
		$calendar .=  '<td style="color:#666666"><b>Fri</b></td><td style="color:#0000cc"><b>Sat</b></td>';
		$calendar .=  '<td style="color:#cc0000"><b>Sun</b></td></tr>';
		$calendar .=  '<tr><br>';
		while ($i<$first) {
			$calendar .=  '<td> </td>';
		while ($i<=$total) {
			if (($i==$day) && ($this_month==$month)) {
				$calendar .= '<td style="font-size:8pt; font-family:Verdana; background:#ff0000;" align=center>';
			} else {
				$calendar .= '<td style="font-size:8pt; font-family:Verdana" align=center>';
	if (($i==$day) && ($this_month==$month)) {      
       	$calendar .= '<span style="color:#ffffff;">'.$i.'</span>';

			}	else if ($rest==6) {

				$calendar .= '<span style="color:#0000cc">'.$i.'</span>';
      }  else if ($rest==0) {
          $calendar .= '<span style="color:#cc0000">'.$i.'</span>';
      } else {
				$calendar .= $i;
			$calendar .= "</td>\n";
			if ($rest==0) $calendar .= "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
		$calendar .= '</tr>';
		$calendar .= '</table>';
		$calendar .= '</div>';
	$calendar .= '</div></div>';

$calendar .= '</div>';
$this->set('calendar' , $calendar );
$this->set('calevents' , $calevents );



The second part is where I am queried each day to see if there is an event for that day. I am sure there are much better ways to do this but I had a time constraint so did what I could in a short time.


 public function calenar()
        $this->Flash->success(__('Please login to access this page.'));
        return $this->redirect(['controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login']);
            $events = $this->Posts->find('all', [
            'fields' => ['Posts.slug', 'Posts.startdate', ],
            'conditions' => ['`Posts`.`contenttype_id` = 14 AND Posts.status_id = 1']                        

        $calevents = array();
        foreach($events as $event){
         $startdate = $event->startdate;
         $newdate = $startdate->year.'-'.$startdate->month.'-'.$startdate->day;
         $calevents[$newdate] = $newdate;
        //return debug($calevents);


$calendar = '<span align=center style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:18pt; color:#ff9900;">'.$year.'</span>';
$calendar .= '<BR><span style="color:#0000cc;">Events are Blue</span><BR>';
$calendar .= '<div class="row">';

for ($line=1; $line<=3; $line++) {
	$calendar .= '<div class="col-md-12"><div class="row">';
	for ($column=1; $column<=4; $column++) {
		if ($first==0) $first=7;
		$calendar .= '<div class="col-md-3">';
		$calendar .= '<table border=0 align=center style="font-size:8pt; font-family:Verdana;">';
		$calendar .=  '<th colspan=7 align=center style="font-size:12pt; font-family:Arial; color:#666699;">'.$months[$this_month-1].'</th>';
		$calendar .=  '<tr><td style="color:#666666"><b>Mon</b></td><td style="color:#666666"><b>Tue</b></td>';
		$calendar .=  '<td style="color:#666666"><b>Wed</b></td><td style="color:#666666"><b>Thu</b></td>';
		$calendar .=  '<td style="color:#666666"><b>Fri</b></td><td style="color:#0000cc"><b>Sat</b></td>';
		$calendar .=  '<td style="color:#cc0000"><b>Sun</b></td></tr>';
		$calendar .=  '<tr><br>';
		while ($i<$first) {
			$calendar .=  '<td> </td>';
		while ($i<=$total) {
      $dayid = $year.'-'.$this_month.'-'.$i;
			if (($i==$day) && ($this_month==$month)) {
      if (in_array($dayid, $calevents)) {    
				$calendar .= '<td style="font-size:8pt; font-family:Verdana; background:#0000cc;" align=center>';
      } else {
				$calendar .= '<td style="font-size:8pt; font-family:Verdana; background:#ff0000;" align=center>';

			} else {
      if (in_array($dayid, $calevents)) {    
				$calendar .= '<td style="font-size:8pt; font-family:Verdana; background:#0000cc;" align=center>';
      } else {
				$calendar .= '<td style="font-size:8pt; font-family:Verdana" align=center>';

			if (($i==$day) && ($this_month==$month)) {
      if (in_array($dayid, $calevents)) {    
        $calendar .= '<a href="/events?date='.$dayid.'" style="color:#fff;">'.$i.'</a>';
      } else {
       	$calendar .= '<span style="color:#fff;">'.$i.'</span>';

			}	else if ($rest==6) {
      if (in_array($dayid, $calevents)) {    
        $calendar .= '<a href="/events?date='.$dayid.'" style="color:#fff;">'.$i.'</a>';
      } else {
				$calendar .= '<span style="color:#0000cc">'.$i.'</span>';

			} else if ($rest==0) {

      if (in_array($dayid, $calevents)) {    
        $calendar .= '<a href="/events?date='.$dayid.'" style="color:#fff;">'.$i.'</a>';
      } else {
				$calendar .= '<span style="color:#cc0000">'.$i.'</span>';

			} else {
        if (in_array($dayid, $calevents)) {    
        $calendar .= '<a href="/events?date='.$dayid.'" style="color:#fff;">'.$i.'</a>';
      } else {
        $calendar .= $i;

			$calendar .= "</td>\n";
			if ($rest==0) $calendar .= "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
		$calendar .= '</tr>';
		$calendar .= '</table>';
		$calendar .= '</div>';
	$calendar .= '</div></div>';

$calendar .= '</div>';

$this->set('calendar' , $calendar );



Published: 21st March 2017 by