Christians Killed Since the establishment of Sharia Law in Northern Nigeria in 2001 over 13 750 Christians have been killed for their faith by Muslims <p align= ju
Christians Killed
Since the establishment of Sharia Law in Northern Nigeria, in 2001, over 13,750 Christians have been killed for their faith by Muslims.
Churches Destroyed
Just since December 2011, over 300 churches have been destroyed in Northern Nigeria.
5 Million Christians in Northern Nigeria live under severe persecution. Radical Islamic groups regularly issue ultimatums to Christian communities: "You have three days to leave, or you will die!" Christians throughout Northern Nigeria are continuing to suffer a series of attacks which are often pre-planned and well coordinated. There are many attempts to force them to convert to Islam under the threat of death. Many have courageously died as Martyrs rather than deny Christ.
Islamicists in Nigeria call it Odium Fidei - The War of Religion. In the village of Dogo Nahawa, Islamicists with machetes killed over 300 Christians, mostly woman and children.
A Battle for the Soul of a Country
Many Muslims, both persecutors and those appalled by the behaviour of the Radical Jihadists, have been won to Christ in recent years. The scale of persecution of Christians by Muslims in Northern Nigeria has accelerated over the last decade. Many hundreds, even into the thousands of church buildings have been damaged, or destroyed, and thousands of believers have been murdered.
Muslims are Coming to Christ
An Evangelist in Northern Nigeria writes to us: "Islamic hatred for the Gospel of Christ is seen in many ways. On a Muslim website under the title Evangelism Invasion, they complain that Christian Evangelism has become a big threat to them. Muslims are being incited to reject and oppose the Gospel, claiming that Northern Nigeria is Islamic and no Muslim should listen to, or accept the Gospel. Please pray for me and my team. We are compelled to preach the Gospel, no matter the risks involved. Some Muslim children get the beating of their lives just for their presence in outreach centres, but the beatings didn't stop them from coming the following day either. In the midst of the bombs, God is still moving powerfully in Northern Nigeria. Muslims are coming to know Christ, the only way to Salvation."
"Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith." 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2
Dr. Peter Hammond
Frontline Fellowship
P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725
Cape Town South Africa
Tel: 021-689-4480
Fax: 021-685-5884
See also:
Urgent Call for Christians Under Fire in Africa
Persecution of Christians Increases
Published: 16th May 2012 by