
Armenian Genocide - Boy Prophet Turkish Invasion

The place was at a small village named Kara Kala at the foot of Mount Ararat [the mountainwhere Noah s ark landed] in a part of Turkey where the Armenian people lived the year was 1853 The

Armenian Genocide - Boy Prophet Turkish Invasion

The place was at a small village named Kara Kala at the foot of Mount Ararat [the mountain
where Noah’s ark landed] in a part of Turkey where the Armenian people lived; the year was 1853.
The name of the boy was Efim Gerasemovitch Klubniken. Efim was a Russian. He had never gone
to school, and could not read or write. His family were part of the Pentecostal churches in Russia;
the Armenians were mostly Presbyterians and Orthodox. Efim’s family had immigrated to Armenia
before 1853.

While still a child, Efim spent much time in prayer, sometimes praying whole days and nights
—sometimes praying and fasting non-stop several days at a time.

In 1853 when he was 11 years old, the Lord called Efim to another prayer vigil. This time it
lasted 7 days—around the clock. But this time, he had some astonishing visions and revelations.
In a vision, Efim saw a message written in the Russian language, but being uneducated, he was
unable to read it. Also, he saw some charts/maps in the vision. Efim promptly asked for paper and
a pen. Though he could not read the message, he could copy it. Painstakingly he copied/reproduced/
made an image of what he saw in the vision. He also copied or reproduced the charts/maps that he

At the end of 7 days, when he had finished copying the message and the maps, he took it to
some of the people who could read Russian—who read it to him, and shared the message with the
armenain genocide - Turkish - Muslim violence
The message shocked the whole community, for the message said that there would come a time
when all of the Armenians, along with their Russian neighbors, would have to flee to another
country, or they would all be slaughtered/killed.
However, after several decades, this did not happen; there was no slaughter in their
community. Many in the community doubted that the prophecy was genuine. A few believed it, but
they were not convinced that the time to flee had come. Yet, some ridiculed Efim saying: “Anyone
who doesn’t eat or sleep for a week is bound to see things”—but they could not explain how anuneducated boy could see a message in the Russian language. Some accused him of fraud—trying
to fool the whole community.

The maps showed the place they were to flee to: Studying the maps, the more educated people
realized that the place they were to flee to was clearly America. The message said that they were not
to stop at the East coast, but to travel all the way to the West coast—California.
Efim also copied a second message that was just as shocking: In the more distant future, the
Armenian people in California would have to flee persecution a second time. Efim gave this second
message to his parents and told them to seal it. He said that a day would come when God would raise
up a prophet who would break the seal and read the message and find out which countries the
Arminians should flee to from California. Also, Efim gave them this message: If anyone else broke
the seal and read the message, he would die—only the prophet whom God appointed/raised up must
read the message.

Every time news of fresh political troubles reached the tranquil hills around mount Ararat,
they would get out the now-yellowed pages and read them again. Troubles between the Moslem
Turks and the Christian Armenians seemed to be growing in intensity.
Persecution did arise against the Armenians in August, 1896. [Efim was then 54 years old.]
News arrived that 6000 Armenians were slaughtered in Istanbul [formerly Constantinople], but
Istanbul was hundreds of miles away, and still the believers in Kara Kala did not flee.
Finally, about 1901 or 1902, Efim [now about 60 years old] told the people of his village that
the time to flee had come. Few did. Efim’s family was among the first to go to California. The
slaughter came in 1914—the year that the First World War started. [Efim was not over 70 years old.]
There were over one million Armenians slaughtered by the Muslim Turks. To this day, the Turks
deny that the slaughter ever took place. There is no mention of this slaughter in the history books that
their children read in school. Hitler said these words about the slaughter: “The world did not
intervene when Turkey wiped out the Armenians; it will not intervene now when I attack the Jews.”
Still the Turks insist that the slaughter never took place.
armenain genocide - Turkish - Muslim violence
As each group of Pentecostals left Armenia, they were jeered by those who remained behind.
Skeptical and disbelieving folk—including many Christians—refused to believe that God could issue
pinpoint instructions for modern people in a modern age.

When the slaughter came, the few Armenians who managed to escape the besieged areas
brought with them tales of great heroism. They reported that the Turks sometimes gave Christians
the option of denying their faith in exchange for their lives. The favorite procedure was to lock a
group of Christians in a barn and set it afire: “If you are willing to accept Mohammed in place of
Christ, we'll open the doors.” Time and again, the Christians chose to die, chanting hymns of praise
as the flames engulfed them.
Those who had heeded the warning of the Boy Prophet and sought asylum in America, heard
the news with dismay.

Today, Efim’s family in California is carefully preserving the second message—still sealed—
awaiting the day when God will raise up the prophet who would break the seal and read the message
—and awaiting the time when they are to flee persecution in California.
Efim died in California in 1915. His funeral was described as the largest one that Los Angeles
Flats had every seen. He was about 76 years old.2

The prophecy also said that the Armenian people would prosper in America. Among them
there was a family named Shakarian that started a dairy farm which eventually became the largest
dairy in the world. One of the men in this family, Demos Shakarian, also started a Christian ministry
that grew and spread to many countries: The Full-Gospel Businessmen Fellowship, International.
Demos’ son, Richard Shakarian, is now leader of this group. Here is the main website of the
FGBMFI: http://www.fgbmfi.org

Much of the above message adapted from this website:

This website also had this message:
We talked to a Russian Pentecostal man in the Pacific Northwest in
1998 who said that the Lord was telling them to leave again, that is
leave America, because of a great persecution coming to America.
He added that many had grown so accustomed to the riches and
delicacies of America that they were lingering and not leaving.

Published: 7th June 2011 by
