Uk - Ready for God's Judgement Example Gay rights
In recent years the courts rules almost always in favour for gay rights Citing Humans rights as a reason Any person who even lightly reads his her bible will know this is against God's moral sta
Uk - Ready for God's Judgement Example Gay rights
In recent years, the courts rules almost always in favour for gay rights. Citing Humans rights as a reason. Any person who even lightly reads his/her bible will know this is against God's moral standards. The bible clearly says that 'ALL those who committed immoral acts will find their place in hell' - paraphrased. I n God’s eyes couples living together or sleeping together before marriage and gay couple having sex are both sinful, but gay rights are 'hold up' to the public very aggressively and with almost militant aggression to be right. In the article below a social worker will not dream to ask people if sex outside of marriage is wrong or right, yet they ask people if being homosexual is wrong or right, in order to discredit them from looking after children.
Also homosexuality is being set on par to racialism and ageism and sexism. To discriminate against people from a different religion, sex, age or race is talked about in the book of peter - where we are asked to treat others better than ourselves. No where in the bible is racism, sexism or ageism placed next to homosexuals. Homosexual sin is placed next to thieves and murders as people who are on their way to hell.
Our primary concern is not with the individual gay person living his/her life peacefully by him/her self on his/her way to hell. No, we are concerned with the public being brainwashed by the law, the media, that this is right, that this is acceptable, and has what so ever no repercussions in eternity.
~I believe God's judgement - as on the rest of the world is in the coming, below is an typical article which shows how the courts in the UK judge against moral upright people in favour of immoral gays.
Anti-gay Christians lose court bid
A Christian couple morally opposed to homosexuality because of their faith have lost a landmark High Court battle over the right to become foster carers.
Eunice and Owen Johns, aged 62 and 65, from Oakwood, Derby, went to court after a social worker expressed concerns when they said they could not tell a child a "homosexual lifestyle" was acceptable.
The Pentecostal Christian couple had applied to Derby City Council to be respite carers but withdrew their application, believing it "doomed to failure" because of the social worker's attitude to their religious beliefs.
They asked judges to rule that their faith should not be a bar to them becoming carers, and the law should protect their Christian values.
But Lord Justice Munby and Mr Justice Beatson ruled that laws protecting people from discrimination because of their sexual orientation "should take precedence" over the right not to be discriminated against on religious grounds. The Johns are considering an appeal.
Outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, where the decision was given, Mrs Johns stood alongside her husband as she said: "We are extremely distressed at what the judges have ruled today.
"All we wanted was to offer a loving home to a child in need. We have a good track record as foster parents. But because we are Christians, with mainstream Christian views on sexual ethics, we are apparently unsuitable as foster parents."
Ben Summerskill, chief executive of Stonewall, the lesbian, gay and bisexual charity, said: Thankfully, Mr and Mrs Johns's out-dated views aren't just out of step with the majority of people in modern Britain, but those of many Christians too. If you wish to be involved in the delivery of a public service you should be prepared to provide it fairly to anyone."
The Christian Legal Centre warned "fostering by Christians is now in doubt" and said the judges had effectively ruled "homosexual 'rights' trump freedom of conscience in the UK".
The judges had stated that "biblical Christian beliefs may be 'inimical' to children, and implicitly upheld an Equalities and Human Rights Commission (ECHC) submission that children risk being 'infected' by Christian moral beliefs".
Published: 28th February 2011 by