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Demon Groupings - from book: Pigs in the Parlor - Frank and Ida Hammond
COMMON DEMON GROUPINGS - As given by Frank amp Ida Mae <a href= http www bookabout net authors hammond-f
Demon Groupings - from book: Pigs in the Parlor - Frank and Ida Hammond
COMMON DEMON GROUPINGS - As given by Frank & Ida Mae Hammond, Pigs in the parlour: a practical guide to deliverance. Kirkwood, MO: Impact Books, nd., p.113-115.
They write:
The following list of demon groups represents patterns experienced through actual deliverance sessions. THESE GROUPINGS ARE ONLY SUGGESTIVE OF WHAT MAY BE ENCOUNTERED. THE LISTING IS BY NO MEANS INTENDED TO BE EXHAUSTIVE, NOR THE GROUPINGS TO BE INVARIABLE.
These demon names below is suggestive of many more demons. They are the demon's function names, not the original name God created them with. To see a summary of demon original names see here
- BITTERNESS Resentment Hatred Unforgiveness Violence Temper Anger Retaliation Murder
- REBELLION Self-will Stubbornness Disobedience Anti-submissive
- STRIFE Contention Bickering Argument Quarreling Fighting
- CONTROL Possessiveness Dominance Witchcraft
- RETALIATION Destruction Spite Hatred Sadism Hurt Cruelty
- ACCUSATION Judging Criticism Faultfinding
- REJECTION Fear of Rejection Self-rejection
- INSECURITY Inferiority Self-Pity Loneliness Timidity Shyness Inadequacy Ineptness
- JEALOUSY Envy Suspicion Distrust Selfishness
- WITHDRAWAL Pouting Daydreaming Fantasy Pretension Unreality
- ESCAPE Indifference Stoicism Passivity Sleepiness Alcohol Drugs
- PASSIVITY Funk Indifference Listlessness Lethargy
- DEPRESSION Despair Despondency Discouragement Defeatism Dejection Hopelessness Suicide Death Insomnia Morbidity
- HEAVINESS Gloom Burden Disgust
- WORRY Anxiety Fear Dread Apprehension
- NERVOUSNESS Tension Headache Nervous habits Restlessness Excitement Insomnia Roving
- SENSITIVENESS Self-awareness Fear of man Fear of disapproval
- PERSECUTION Unfairness Fear of judgment Fear of condemnation Fear of accusation Fear of reproof Sensitiveness
- MENTAL ILLNESS Insanity Madness Mania Retardation Senility Schizophrenia Paranoia Hallucinations
- SCHIZOPHRENIA (See Chapter 21 of Pigs in the parlour)
- PARANOIA Jealousy Envy Suspicion Distrust Persecution Fears Confrontation
- CONFUSION Frustration Incoherence Forgetfulness
- DOUBT Unbelief Skepticism
- INDECISION Procrastination Compromise Confusion Forgetfulness Indifference
- SELF-DECEPTION Self-delusion Self-seduction Pride
- MIND-BINDING Confusion Fear of man Fear of failure Occult spirits Spiritism spirits
- MIND IDOLATRY Intellectualism Rationalization Pride Ego
- FEARS (All kinds) Phobias (All kinds) Hysteria
- PRIDE Ego Vanity Self-righteousness Haughtiness Importance Arrogance
- AFFECTATION Theatrics Playacting Sophistication Pretension
- COVETOUSNESS Stealing Kleptomania Material lust Greed Discontent
- PERFECTION Pride Vanity Ego Frustration Criticism Irritability Intolerance Anger
- COMPETITION Driving Argument Pride Ego
- IMPATIENCE Agitation Frustration Intolerance Resentment Criticism
- FALSE BURDEN False responsibility False compassion
- GRIEF Sorrow Heartache Heartbreak Crying Sadness Cruel
- FATIGUE Tiredness Weariness Laziness
- INFIRMITY (May include any disease or sickness)
- INHERITANCE (Physical) (Emotional) (Mental) (Curses)
- HYPER-ACTIVITY Restlessness Driving Pressure
- CURSING Blasphemy Coarse jesting Gossip Criticism Backbiting Mockery Belittling Railing
- ADDICTIVE & COMPULSIVE Nicotine Alcohol Drugs Medications Caffeine Gluttony
- GLUTTONY Nervousness Compulsive eating Resentment Frustration Idleness Self-pity Self-reward
- SELF-ACCUSATION Self-hatred Self-condemnation
- GUILT Condemnation Shame Unworthiness Embarrassment
- SEXUAL IMPURITY Lust Fantasy lust Masturbation Homosexuality Lesbianism Adultery Fornication Incest Harlotry Rape Exposure Frigidity
- CULTS Jehovah's Witnesses Christian Science Rosicrucianism Theosophy Urantia Subud Latihan Unity Mormonism Bahaism Unitarianism (Lodges, societies and social agencies using the Bible & God as a basis but omitting the blood atonement of Jesus Christ)
- OCCULT Ouija Board Palmistry Handwriting analysis Automatic handwriting ESP Hypnotism Horoscope Astrology Levitation Fortune telling Water witching Tarot cards Pendulum Witchcraft Black magic White magic Conjuration Incantation Charms Fetishes Etc.
- RELIGIOUS Ritualism Formalism Legalism Doctrinal obsession Seduction Doctrinal error Fear of God Fear of Hell Fear of lost salvation Religiosity Etc.
- SPIRITISM Seance Spirit guide Necromancy Etc.
- FALSE RELIGIONS Buddhism Taoism Hinduism Islam Shintoism Confucianism Etc