Parameters via the URL to next page in Cakephp
how to send and receive parameters in cakephp via url in cakephp
Parameters via the URL to next page in Cakephp
Sometimes the most simplistic things in php can be a headace in a framework like cakephp.
You can move parameters in two ways. Either use a named parameter where you call it by name or a un-named parameter where it is just passed.
In named:
You pass it like so:
<?php if($records['User']['tablename'] > 0) { echo $this->Html->link(__('title here',true),array('plugin' => false, 'controller'=> 'user', 'action'=> 'index', 'userid' => $records['User']['id']),array('class'=>'btn btn-primary','escape'=>false)); } ?>
Then you receive it like:
echo $this->params['named']['userid'] // 'param'
in un - named parameters you send like:
<?php if($records['User']['tablename'] > 0) { echo $this->Html->link(__('title here',true),array('plugin' => false 'controller'=> 'user', 'action'=> 'index', $records['User']['id']),array('class'=>'btn btn-primary','escape'=>false)); } ?>
Then you receive like:
echo $this->params['pass'][0] // 'passed_param'
Published: 1st June 2016 by