
How to install Laravel 5.3 on Xampp on Windows with Login and Registration all working in 5 minutes

How to install Laravel 5.3 on Xampp on Windows with Login and Registration all working in 5 minutes

How to install Laravel 5.3 on Xampp on Windows with Login and Registration all working in 5 minutes

Installation of Laravel 5.3 is a breeze. IF you know how and you can do it in 5 minutes if you local development enviroment is set up.

  • Set up your local develpment enviroment like Xampp
  • Go to Github and search for Laravel 5.3 - download it, unzip it and paste the code in your local domain where you want the site to be run.
  • If you set up  a local domain ( HERE is HOW ) make sure it points to the 'public' folder.
  • Rename the file .env.example to .env and change the values basically the main one is the database connection - I find this does not work well in notepad so try another ide I use a free IDE (PSPAD). I will past my .env contents below.
  • Download Git Bash ( or use any other command line interface you like.
  • With Git bash installed you can right click with in the folder where your 'app' folder and files of your site resides. Then select 'Git Bash Here' - this means you will automatically install things in the right location and you don't have to change directory ( /cd) as with other commandline interfaces.

No is the easy part.

  • Copy . 'php artisan make:auth' right click on Git Bash or commandline and paste run it.
  • (this will automatically install the controllers, views and models to handel all login, registration and email verification services)
  • Copy . 'php artisan migrate' right click on Git Bash or commandline and paste run it.
  • (This will install all the databases tables you need, your database connection in the .env file is crucial here) 
  • Now if you like you can install a debugger to help you in development ( )
  • You have to run: composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar in your command line

Happy days ! And that all for now folks, if it does not work for some reason or I missed somethings else please leave a comment below and I will adjust the instructions.

Published: 18th November 2016 by
