
Big Brother Britain: Man Refuse To Show His Face Get Fined - System Of The Beast

Big Brother Britain: Extraordinary moment police FINE pedestrian £90 for disorderly behaviour after he tries to cover his face from facial recognition camera on the streets of London, system of the beast

Big Brother Britain: Man Refuse To Show His Face Get Fined - System Of The Beast

System of the beast

So the system of the beast like a giant spiders web are drawing quickly closer, it is possilbe to track your movement via facial recognition, track your phone if you have one where ever you go, link your movements with money you spend, link your profile with your travel movements ( the under ground in London is very convenient you can just swipe your credit card and voila ! )

Big Brother Britain: Extraordinary moment police FINE pedestrian £90 for disorderly behaviour after he tries to cover his face from facial recognition camera on the streets of London

  • Camera cross-checked photos of faces of passers-by against wanted database
  • One man covered face before officers stopped him and took his picture anyway
  • He was fined £90 at scene in Romford by police who arrested three other people 
  • Police say they know of human rights concerns but want to make London safer 
  • Civil liberties groups insists it is a 'breach of privacy and freedom of assembly' 
  • New technlogy incorrectly identified people in 96% of matches from 2016 to 18 

Police fined a pedestrian £90 for disorderly behaviour after he tried to cover his face when he saw a controversial facial recognition camera on a street in London.
Officers set up the camera on a van in Romford, East London, which then cross-checked photos of faces of passers-by against a database of wanted criminals.
But one man was unimpressed about being filmed and covered his face with his hat and jacket, before being stopped by officers who took his picture anyway.
After being pulled aside, the man told police: 'If I want to cover me face, I'll cover me face. Don't push me over when I'm walking down the street.'
It comes just weeks after it was claimed the new technology incorrectly identified members of the public in 96 per cent of matches made between 2016 and 2018.


The cameras have been rolled out in a trial in parts of Britain, with the Met making its first arrest last December when shoppers in London's West End were scanned.
But their use has sparked a privacy debate, with civil liberties group Big Brother Watch branding the move a 'breach of fundamental rights to privacy and freedom of assembly'. Police argue they are necessary to crack down on spiralling crime.
Officers previously insisted people could decline to be scanned, before later clarifying that anyone trying to avoid scanners may be stopped and searched.  

It was first deployed by South Wales Police ahead of the Champions League final in Cardiff in 2007, but wrongly matched more than 2,000 people to possible criminals.
Police and security services worldwide are keen to use facial recognition technology to bolster their efforts to fight crime and identify suspects.
But they have been hampered by the unreliability of the software, with some trials failing to correctly identify a single person.

man hiding face

The technology made incorrect matches in every case during two deployments at Westfield shopping centre in Stratford last year, according to Big Brother Watch. It was also reportedly 96 per cent accurate in eight uses by the Met from 2016 to 2018.

In Romford, the man was fined £90 at the scene by officers, who also arrested three other people during the day thanks to the technology, according to BBC Click.
After being stopped he asked an officer: 'How would you like it if you walked down the street and someone grabbed your shoulder? You wouldn't like it, would you?
The officer told him: 'Calm yourself down or you're going in handcuffs. It's up to you. Wind your neck in.' But the man replied: 'You wind your neck in.'
After being fined, the man told a reporter: 'The chap told me down the road - he said they've got facial recognition. So I walked past like that (covering my face).
'It's a cold day as well. As soon as I've done that, the police officer's asked me to come to him. So I've got me back up. I said to him 'f*** off', basically. 
'I said 'I don't want me face shown on anything. If I want to cover me face, I'll cover me face, it's not for them to tell me not to cover me face. 

'I've got a now £90 fine, here you go, look at that. Thanks lads, £90. Well done.'
Silkie Carlo, the director of civil liberties group Big Brother Watch, was at the scene holding a placard saying 'stop facial recognition' - before she asked an officer about the man they had taken aside: 'What's your suspicion?'
The officer replied: 'The fact that he's walked past clearly masking his face from recognition and covered his face. It gives us grounds to stop him and verify.'
Ivan Balhatchet, the Metropolitan Police's covert and intelligence lead, said: 'We ought to explore all technology to see how it can make people safer, how it can make policing more effective.

man hiding face


'However, we are completely aware of some of the concerns that are raised, and what we're doing with these trials is actually trying to understand those better so we protect human rights but also keep people safe at the same time. Eight people were arrested during the trial on January 31 this year, which took eight hours, but just three were a direct result of the technology.
A 15-year-old boy identified by the recognition cameras was arrested on suspicion of robbery but released with no further action.A 28-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of false imprisonment and a 35-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of breach of a molestation order.The five other arrests were two teenage boys accused of robbery, a 17-year-old boy accused of firing a gun and two men aged 25 and 46 for drug possession.

Speaking about the man who was fined, a Scotland Yard spokesman said: 'On Thursday, January 31 officers stopped a man who was seen acting suspiciously in the area of Romford Town Centre during the deployment of the live facial recognition technology. 'After being stopped the man became aggressive and made threats towards officers. He was issued with a penalty notice for disorder as a result. 

'While anyone who declined to be scanned was not necessarily be viewed as suspicious, officers used their judgement to identify any potential suspicious behaviour.' 

Last December, a suspect was arrested by the Metropolitan Police during a trial of the facial recognition technology among Christmas shoppers at Leicester Square in London's West End.  Another man was stopped due to the technology, but found not to be the man the computer thought he was - although he was arrested over another offence. Big Brother Watch has previously said the technology is a 'breach of fundamental rights to privacy and freedom of assembly'. 

They have monitored the officers and say police treat those who avoid the cameras with suspicion. But the police insist people can decline to be scanned without arousing suspicion and the move is necessary to crack down on spiralling violence crime.A mandate they have produced to guide officers states: 'It is right and appropriate to bring people who are unlawfully at large to justice as they may otherwise pose a threat of safety to the public through the commission of crime. 

Six steps behind facial recognition technology

The Metropolitan Police uses facial recognition technology called NeoFace, developed by Japanese IT firm NEC, which matches faces up to a so-called watch list of offenders wanted by the police and courts for existing offences. Cameras scan faces in its view measuring the structure of each face, creating a digital version that is searched up against the watch list. If a match is detected, an officer on the scene is alerted, who will be able to see the camera image and the watch list image, before deciding whether to stop the individual.

Published: 20th May 2019 by Mark Duell For Mailonline
