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God hides knowledge because of pride

God is not please with people who sit in church but their hearts is far from him in the week daily service to god is the beginning disciple

God hides knowledge because of pride

A while ago I was on my way to attend a church, on my way there I felt God saying to me. I don't want 'worship' from these people their hearts are far from me.

Yesterday, again I went to the same church, afterwards I was trying to share something I learned with the pastor after the service as we stand and chat. 

I was in my second sentence when I realise I lost him, like so many other pastors he was too proud to think he could learn something from me, or just wasn't interested. Something I find alot in the UK, arrogance.

(Ever wondered why God's supernatural manifestation is so few and far between the Western Civilisation? )

AS I was sitting in my car I felt the Lord saying to me. 'Do you know why these people know so little? It is because they are proud, knowledge puffs up, and in my mercy I keep knowledge away from them because they are not humble enough, to deal with more knowledge.'

For me it is a eye opener - that God will keep something away from you for your benefit if you are not ready for it. And also 'God please help me to stay / become / be humble.

As the Words say: 'humble yourselves before God and in due time He will lift you up'. As a good friend of mine said - invest in what is under the surface - spend time with God where no one sees. Humble yourself before Him.

He will make your leaves to grow green and lush!! PS1

Published: 24th November 2014 by Gabriel Kolbe