Jihad or Sacrifice - Muslim aswers
Show us the straight way the way of those whom Thou hast favored not the way of those who earn Thine angeror of those who go astray nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp
Jihad or Sacrifice - Muslim aswers
Show us the straight way,
the way of those whom Thou hast favored,
not the way of those who earn Thine anger
or of those who go astray.
Ummi’l Quran, 5-7
Questions Raised
The attacks on the World Trade
Center, Brittain and other parts of the world
have affected everyone.
Know that those who
seek to follow Isa the Messiah (Peace
be upon Him), who taught us to love
friend and enemy alike, seek to be your
friends and to stand with you against
those who would use these sad events
as a pretext for their own wrong
These events have also raised profound
questions and critical questions about
life, death and eternity. The first is “Do
those who die in a Jihad (holy war)
really go to Paradise?” Many Muslims
were as appalled at these attacks as
non-Muslims, but others danced in the
street and stand ready to join those who
perished. Some believe this was a
justifiable Jihad which guaranteed the
attackers a place in Paradise, but others
consider it abominable terrorism.
The larger question here is how can
someone be sure of Paradise? How can
God, who is holy and who hates all evil,
grant forgiveness and heaven to men
and women, all of whom are sinners
and who have offended him in many
ways by attitude, word, deed and
The Holy Injil offers us a clue:
Without the shedding of blood, there is no
forgiveness of sins ( Heb. 9:22).
Does this refer to Jihad, or to a blood
sacrifice for sins? It cannot refer to
Jihad for several reasons. First,
salvation cannot come through the
efforts of sinful man because “by
observing the law no one will be
justified” (Galatians 2:16 [in the Injil]).
Elsewhere it says our own attempts at
righteousness are as “filthy rags” before
the holy God.
God himself has decreed “You shall not
murder” ( Exodus 20:13 and
Deuteronomy 5:17 [in the Taurat]).
Furthermore the Injil says “No murderer
has eternal life” ( I John 3:15 [ in
the Injil] ). Clearly if our own efforts to
obey God cannot earn us Paradise, then
disobeying his holy commands and so
showing contempt for His clear
command will surely never earn us a
place in Paradise.
Therefore the shedding of blood that
brings forgiveness refers to a blood
sacrifice. Consider Eid Al-Adha
(Celebration of Sacrifice), which
commemorates Abraham’s willingness
to sacrifice his son. What is the
meaning of this sacred event but that it
signifies the sacrifice of Isa the Messiah
(Peace be upon Him)? Here then is the
answer to our question. God sent Isa the
Messiah into the world for the purpose
of paying the penalty for our sins for us.
He purchased our forgiveness and
offers it as a gift. He promises that all
who put their faith in him and repent
(turn from) their sins will be forgiven
and will go to Paradise (John 3:16 and
Acts 2:38 [in the Injil]). When God
raised him from the dead, it was God’s
sign of approval of this holy sacrifice
and its sufficiency to pay for the sins of
those who will believe.
Questions of Credibility
Some say the Taurat and the Injils have
been changed and are no longer
reliable. But this objection is not valid
because those who make it are always
unable to produce any evidence of the
specific changes claimed —even
though there are thousands of manuscripts
and texts from antiquity.
Furthermore God himself says of the
Taurat, the Zabur and the Injil: “All
scripture is inspired by God and useful
for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness” ( 2 Tim. 3:16
[in the Injil]).
Some are confused about whom to
believe in these great matters of eternal
life and eternal death, of punishment
and reward, of Paradise and Hell. God
invites us to trust in Him, and promises
that if we seek him and seek the truth
with all our heart we will find Him and
know the truth. Many of these issues
are reducible to the question of credibility.
And character determines
credibility. If several people tell us
contradictory things, if we are wise, we
will believe the one with the most
trustworthy character.
Of Isa the Messiah (Peace be upon
Him) alone the scriptures say “He
committed no sin, and no deceit was
found in his mouth” ( Isaiah 53:9 and I
Peter 2:22 [in the Injil]). As for the rest
of mankind, and that includes even all
other prophets and religious leaders, the
scriptures say “There is no one righteous,
not even one; there is no one who
understands, no one who seeks God.
All have turned away…their tongues
practice deceit” ( Psalms 5:9 [Zabur]
and Roman 3:10-13 [in the Injil]).
Choose the Straight Way
Judge for yourself then who is worthy
of your trust: the one who is without sin
and who cannot deceive, or all the rest
of us who are sinners who can and do
deceive. Will you trust the one who is
perfect or the one who is not?
Here then is the “the straight way, the
way whom Thou hast favored,” the
Way of God himself. Isa the Messiah
(Peace be upon Him) said, “I am the
way, the truth and the life; no one
comes to the Father except by me”
(John 14:6 [the Injil]).
Isa (Peace be upon Him) gives a very
gracious invitation: “ Come to me, all
you who are weary and burdened, and I
will give your rest…” (Matthew 11:28
[the Injil]). He also gives an equally
gracious promise “whoever comes to
me I will never drive away” (John 6:37
[the Injil]). Come to Him now by faith
and repentance, and receive the sure
promise of Paradise.
Published: 16th June 2010 by www.i-am.org/infinite_mercy.htm