Zola Levitt discovered an
published: 7th January 2010 by By J. R. ChurchA Simplified Overview of the Feasts of the LORD <img id= Picture215 src= http www propheticvoice co uk images life teachings lev23-4 gif alt= align= left border= 0 height= 27 widt
published: 24th November 2014 by http://www.hebrew4christians.com/Holidays/Introduction/introduction.htmlThe way in which Jesus fulfilled the Jewish feasts is a fascinating study In the Hebrew Scriptures the Jewish proph
published: 27th November 2014 by http://www.gotquestions.org/Jewish-feasts.htmlI designed this theme a few years ago to fit on a black t-shirt I had a single one printed and it looks good and is an excellent talking point to christians and non-christians alike I am NOT a fa
published: 27th October 2011 byDesigned this T-shirt a few years ago yellow horse on black t-shirt Psalm32 9 Be not as the Horse or the MULE which have no UNDERSTANDING whose MOUTH must be held in which BIT and BRIDLE lest the
published: 7th January 2010 byThree Nails by a Brilliant young christian artist Ryan Bismarck Wessels <img style="border 0pt none margin 8px float left " title="Three Nails Ryan Bismarck Wessels" src="http w
published: 8th November 2011 byare we to keep the whole law torah under a new covenant
published: 1st September 2015 by http://www.oneforisrael.org/blog/389-is-there-really-such-a-thing-as-torah-observantEight holidays Yeshua Jesus celebrated Rosh HaShanah bible name Yom Teruah Feast of Trumpets <span class=
published: 6th July 2012 byMessianic Christian Hanakkuh Devotions for each night 1 Time night- First night 1 Light the f
published: 6th July 2012 byCategories
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