
How to install cakephp 3 on localhost without composer

How to install cakephp 3 on Xampp or Wamp without composer

How to install cakephp 3 on localhost without composer

Here is how you install cakephp 3 on xampp or wamp without composer

  • First download the latest version cakephp 3 file zip from here 
  • Second Unzip this file into example   (xampp/htdocs/NewCakeProject) 
  • Thirdly create your database into mysql locate to the localhost/phpmyadmin and create a new database with name like (ex - NewCakeProject)
  • Then go to local disk c:/xampp/htdocs/NewCakeProject/config/app.php
  • Edit your username password and dbname

ex -       'username' => 'root',  //username is always root for localhost
            'password' => '',   //password is always blank for localhost
            'database' => 'NewCakeProject',

This might be online 228

Open your broswer and navigate to localhost/NewCakeProject to view the Cakephp default page


NOTE: it is better to use composer as it will give you the option to add 'dependencies' later when you need them.

Published: 2nd December 2016 by How to install cakephp 3 on localhost without composer
