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Books on deliverance and spiritual warfare

Books on deliverance and spiritual warfare

A few good books are:

Pigs in the Parlour by Frank D Hammond
Blessings and curses Dereck Prince
The Believers Authority - by Andrew Wommack
Mysterious secrets and the battle for planet earth.


There are many really good books about deliverance and spiritual warfare making the reality of the spiritual world, witchcraft and the order of Demonic spirits in their different realms very real.

To be remembered in reading these books is that many of the people suffering from this 'problems' is not christian. I believe that disciples of Jesus has nothing to fear as Jesus said, that we should not fear the devil that can only kill the body, but we must fear God that has control over our eternal destiny.

The danger with 'too little' and unbiblical knowledge in the deliverance ministry (and some of these books does introduce ALOT of information which is not clearly supported by Scripture) is that it sometimes gives people, christians and non-christians alike the idea that it is a 'quick fix'. Like magic, christian magic, it immediately and instantly solves all our problems.

What people fail to realise is that Satan on his own is a nothing, the bible said that one day we will be surprised at how weak he really is and we will say (Isaiah 14:17) Is this the man? who did all these things?

If we are 1. Born again, 2. Filled with God's Holy Spirit 3. Live in daily relationship with Him 3. Obey His Word 4. Live as disciples of Jesus and apply His teachings Satan's options against us is very very limited.

One general principle in deliverance is: First kill the roots (Satans access into your live, via your ungodly living (pride, arrogance and unbelief example)) the deal with the fruits - kick the demons where it hurts.
But above all listen to the Holy SpIrit


Published: 13th November 2012 by