Antichrist coming from Turkey
In the last week Turkeys parlement voted to get involved in the conflict in Syria and Iraq fighting ISL Does it work like this America gets rid of Sadam - paving the way for the Arab spring th
Antichrist coming from Turkey
In the last week Turkey's parlement voted to get involved in the conflict in Syria and Iraq fighting ISL. Does it work like this: America get's rid of Sadam - paving the way for the Arab spring, the Arab spring paves the way for Muslim extremist revival across the region. Which paves the way for ISL, which paves the way eventually for a disorded Middle East which makes it ripe for a 'man of peace' to stand up (in Turkey) and bring order.?? (This is just speculation)
From the prophecies examined in the Book of Ezekiel, we saw that Turkey was significantly emphasized. Of the eight locations that were specified in the Gog Prophecy of Ezekiel 38, five were located firmly within Turkey. Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Togormah, and Gomer are all areas that were within the boundaries of modern Turkey. The fact that Turkey was so heavily emphasized is not something to be ignored. God highlighted Turkey for a reason. However, it is important that this theory by confirmed by other passages, as well.
From Revelation 17, we concluded that the Islamic Empire, culminating in the Turkish Ottoman Empire, was the seventh Biblical Beast Empire. The capital of the Ottoman Empire was Istanbul, formely Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire. Today, Istanbul sits on the northwestern corner of Turkey. The reason that the location of the capitals of the last beast empire may be important is because as the head of the last beast empire, it is possible that it will receive the ‘fatal head wound’ that will come back and awe the world: ‘One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast’ (Revealation 13:3).
We also examined Daniel 9, where the Bible says that it would be the ‘people of the prince to come’ that would destroy the Jewish Temple. In other words, the ethnic peoples of whom the future Antichrist would be the leader would destroy the Jewish Temple. We saw that the primary group that carried out this destruction was the tenth legion of the Roman army (Legion X fretensis), which was stationed in Antioch. Antioch was also the area from wich the tenth legion drew most of its recruits. These soldiers were primarily Syrians and Arabs. Today, Antioch is located within the borders of Turkey, on the southeastern corner of Turkey near Syria. As such, this is yet another witness to the notion that the Antichrist would come from the region of modern Turkey.
Our fourth confirmation was found in Daniel 11, where we saw that the Antichrist was prefigured by Antiochus IV Epiphanies, the ‘King of the North’ or the ruler of the Seleucid Division of the Greek Empire. We may expect to see the Antichrist emerge somewhere from within the region of the former Seleucid Empire. The Seleucid Empire covered a large portion of modern Turkey.
We also studied the great emphasis that the prophets Isaiah and Micah placed on the future conflict between the Messiah and the Assyrian, who was a type of Antichrist. These prophecies also points us to the regions of the former Assyrian Empire, which engulfed a large portion of modern Turkey.
Zechariah 9 clearly lists Yavan/Ionia (Turkey) as the primary player in the Last-Days attack against Israel. Many will have missed the prophecy due to a commonly used yet misleading translation: ‘I will rouse your sons, O Zion, against your sons, Greece (Yavan, Ionia).’ The key aspect of this passage is the reference to the sons of a place called Zion (Jews) fighting against the sons of a place called Yavan (Turks). Yavan was a descendant of Noah who came to live on the western coast of Asia Minor, or modern day Turkey, in the area that came to known as Ionia. See also Joel 3:6. Zecharia 9 is clearly speaking in terms that only can be applicable to the Last-Days, and the return of Jesus the Messiah ‘Jehovah will appear over them.’ After this time, the Messiah will rule Israel and her land will be far greater than it is today:
‘He (the Messiah) will proclaim peace to the nations. His rule will extend from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth. As for you, because of the blood of my covenant with you, I will free your prisoners from the waterless pit. Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you. I will bend Judah as I bend my bow and fill it with Ephraim. I will rouse your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece [Yavan, Ionia], and make you like a warrior’s sword. Then Jehovah will appear over them; His arrow will flash like lightning. The Sovereign Jehovah will sound the trumpet; He will march in the storms of the South, and Jehovah Almighty will shield them. They will destroy and overcome with clingstones … Jehovah their God will save them on that day as the flock of His people. They will sparkle in His land like jewels in a crown. How attractive and beautiful they will be!’ (Zecharia 9).
In Revelation chapter 2, Jesus is speaking to seven historical churches that were all situated along the west coast of Asia Minor, or modern day Turkey; ‘To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. I know where you live – where Satan has his throne’ (Revelation 2:12-13).
To many, this may be a strange question: Was there an actual literal geographic location where Satan had ‘a throne’? In a certain sense, yes. The verse is referring to a massive structure that sat atop a high hilltop in Pergamum. The Greeks originally built this gigantic structure in the 2nd century B.C. as a temple dedicated to Zeus. This in itself is interesting. Certain continuity exists between the various gods of beast empires. For instance, in ancient Egypt they worshipped Ra, the Sun god. In Babylon, there was Murdock, the Sun god and Sin, the Moon god (or goddess). The Greek worshipped many gods, but viewed Zeus – the god of the sky and thunder – as the king over all of the other astral deities. Later, the Romans also worshipped Zeus under the name Jupiter. There is a significant evidence to view the Allah of the Muslims as the Arab counterpart to Baal, Sin, Zeus, or Jupiter. In pre-Islamic times, Allah worship, as well as the worship of Baal, were both astral religions in the sense that they involved the worship of the sun, the moon, and the stars.
But notice that Jesus did not refer to the Pergamum Altar as the throne of Zeus, but rather as the throne of Satan. We can assume that Jesus made this point for a reason. While the various Beast Empires worshipped an assortment of gods under different names, Jesus actually referred to Zeus – the chief god of the ruling beast empire – as Satan. Zeus was Satan dressed in a Greek toga. This point is crucial as we attempt to understand the nature of the work of Satan in the earth in the Last-Days. We have already identified the re-emerging Islamic Empire as the final Beast Empire. We may also now identify Allah as Satan. This time, however, Satan is masquerading as the God of the Bible.
Not only does Jesus equate Zeus (or Jupiter) with Satan, but he also states that Satan’s ‘throne’, or spiritual base, was geographically located in Turkey. As unusual as this may sound, Satan may actually establish a geographical stronghold or a spiritual capital of sorts. This is not surprising. As late as the 19th century, this throne remained in Turkey, also the location of the capital of the Ottoman Empire. Beyond this, Pergamum was relatively close to Ionia (roughly one hundred miles north). All factors considered, this passage, by naming Turkey as the location of Satan’s throne, also confirms Turkey’s significant role in the Last-Days Antichrist Empire.
In two campaigns, starting in 1879, Satan’s throne, or the Pergamum Altar, as it is now called, was excavated by a German archeological team. The altar was shipped out of the Ottoman Empire from the original location and was reconstructed in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin in the 19th century. Today, the altar still sits in Berlin where it can be seen alongside other monumental structures such as the Ishtar Gate from Babylon.
In 1934, Adolph Hitler became the dictator of Germany. Hitler ordered construction of the Tribune at Zeppelin Field in Nuremberg specifically for the purpose of his Nazi rallies. Several volumes have been written detailing the deeply occultist nature of the Nazi regime. Not surprisingly, then the Nazi architect of the Zeppelintribune, Albert Speer, actually used the Pergamum Altar as the model for what essentially became the premier Nazi pulpit. The Fuhrer’s podium was located in the middle of the replica of the Pergamum Altar. In light of Hitler’s brazen anti-Semitic spirit, and the horrors of the holocaust that accompanied his career, one can only conclude that Hitler did indeed conjure up a measure of that Satanic spirit that was present in Pergamum.
What is also interesting about all of this is that in March of 2006, the nation of Turkey, after failing to convince Germany to return the Altar decided to rebuild a perfect replica of the ancient Altar on the same ancient hill in Bergama, the location of ancient Pergamum. In March 2006, Turkish Culture and Tourism Minister Atilla Koc stated that, ‘There is no chance of having the altar returned from Germany, because we have no legal right. But now we have a new project. The exact copies (replicas) of those historical artifacts will be built on the original sites.’
This certainly makes one wonder if the same dark anti-Semitic spirit that seems to have followed this ancient Satanic altar to Germany, will now also find a welcome home in Turkey. In fact, there are many reasons to believe that this is already the case. Let’s examine the modern Nation of Turkey to see if she matches several other important political and military requirements to qualify as the leader of the Antichrist coalition.
The first requirement the head nation of the Antichrist Empire must fulfill is the political capital to fill the role of mediator and quarantor of a comprehensive peace treaty between Israel and the surrounding nations that represent a threat to her: ‘He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven” (Daniel 9:26).
In order to mediate such a covenant or treaty, this nation needs to have the reputation for being moderate and must possess the trust of the Israelis and the world. The Bible says that Israel will rely on this nation and will feel secure through the promises and terms established in the peace treaty. The Bible says that after Christs returns, ‘In that day the remnant of Israel, the survivors of the house of Jacob, will no longer rely on him who struck them down but will truly rely on Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel’ (Isaiah 10:20). We know that Israel will trust the Antichrist because the Bible says the following about him:
‘On that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme. You will say, ‘I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people – all of them living without gates and bars. I will plunder and loot and turn my hand against the resettled ruins and the people gathered from the nations, rich in livestock and goods, living at the center of the land’ (Ezekiel 38:10-13).
Another sign we should look for is latent or overt trends toward radical Islamism. Although we know that the Antichrist will initially appear to be moderate and trustworthy, he will also eventually show his true colors. And his succes will come through deceit and shewdness: ‘A stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people. He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will derstroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power’ (Daniel 8:23-25). Now let’s compare all the Scriptural requirements listed above to the modern nation of Turkey.
Turkey The Military Might
One of the main reasons Westerners believe that the Antichrist is western, is that he must have a powerful militairy force, and only Western nations meet this requirement. Yet, few in the West are aware of the fact that Turkey has one of the largest and most powerful militaries in the world. Among the 26 NATO member nations, Turkey has the second largest army, second only to the United States. 11 Turkey’s army far supersedes the militaries of Germany, Spain, Italy and England combined.
While the United States has roughly 2 million soldiers in its combined forces of Active Service Personnel and Reserve Troops, the Turkish army has over 4 million troops.
Because Turkey sits in such a vitally important and challenging geographic region, a powerful and agile military has also always been equally vital. Turkey is located in the Center of the Caucasus, Middle East and the Balkans; the most unstable region in the World. It is also a focal point where international geo-stategic lines and routes intersect. Turkey controls the strategic Turkish Straits; furthermore, it is positioned well to control the Suez Canal and consequently the maritime traffic in the region. Beyon all of this, in this age of uncertainty, the threat to the security of Turkey is not merely comprised of the various regimes and military powers in the region, but also of political, economic and social instabilities, border disputes, and terrorism. In light of all of this, the Turkish military has always remained strong and highly capable.
Regarding the second requirement the nation that will lead the Antichrist Kingdom must fulfill, Turkey once again meets it perfectly. Turkey most certainly has the military capital necessary to back up any comprehensive Middle East Peace plan. Turkey also has the military capabilities to attack and defeat any number of other nations in the region. Of course, Turkey’s ability to attack Israel would be significantly amplified once she is joined by several other nations.
Turkey The Hater
Historically, until very recently, it is estimated that Muslim Turks have slaughtered an estimated 2.8 million Christians. Stanley Cohen, Professor of Criminology at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, writes:
‘The nearest succesful example [of collective denial] in the modern era is the 80 years of official denial by succesive Turkish goverments of the 1915-17 genocide against Armenians in which 1.5 million people lost their lives. This denial has been sustained by deliberate propaganda, lying and cover-ups, forging documents, suppression of archives, and bribing scholars. Just as recent as 1974, secular and supposedly moderate Turkey invaded Cyprus, moved in Muslims, and ordered the Greeks to move out within 24 hours. Churches went up in flames or were converted into mosques. Seventy percent of its industry is now under Turkish control.’
Despite Turkey’s western ties, her history is deeply underscored by an anti-Christian and Anti-Semitic spirit. Western appeasment of Islam in Turkey is based on the false assumption that Turkey, with its Kemalist views, is moderate. This view provoked fighting against Christian Serbs and Macedonians in order to support Bosnian and Albanian Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo. Iranian Islamists and Chechens aided these groups in an attempt to re-Islamize the Balkans. And despite the supposed friendship that has existed between America and Turkey throughout much of the last few decades, this relationship taken a drastic turn in the orther direction. Just before the Iraq War, the Turkish Grand National Assembly vetoed a bill to allow passage to some 60,000 American troops through Turkish territory into nothern Iraq. Americans were bewildered because the Turks had always been seen as a reliable friend and partner. The Turks, however, feld America had ignored sensitivities regarding the status of the northern Iraq, which borders Turkey and is often used as a launching ground by Kurdish separatists who infiltrate Turkey and carry out terrorist attacks.
Adding to this wedge, a few months later, and Turkish-American relations again took a serious blow when eleven Turkish Special Forces officers on a surveillance mission in the northern Iraqi town of Sulaymaniyah were arrested by American forces and taken to Baghdad. This became known as the ‘Hood Incident’ because the Turks were all seen being transported with black hood-like bags over their heads. Most Americans thought very little of it. The Turks, however, who are very proud of their military and their country, were humiliated and felt enraged at the United States’ disgrace of their soldiers. This was an unforgivable act in the eyes of many Turkish citizens and is remembered by them with great contempt. No official apology was ever extended apart from a note signed by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld saying that America regretted the incident. This infuriated the people of Turkey, and relations between the U.S. and Turkey have suffered as a result.
A Turkish movie entitled ‘Valley of the Wolves Iraq’ debuted in 2006, revealing Turkish sentiments toward America. The story opens with a reference to the ‘Hood incident.’ According to the plot, one of the arrested Turkish officers commits suicide out of shame and leaves a note for his friend Polat Alemdar, the protagonist, asking him to avenge his dishonor. Complying with the wishes of his friend, Alemdar follows the Christian fundamentalist American commander who is responsible for both the ‘hood incident’ and the mass slaughter of thousands of innocent of Iraqi civilians. The movie stars Gary Busey, who plays a Jewish-American doctor who harvests the organs of Iraqis to be sold in New York, London, and Tel Aviv. This movie became one of Turkey’s greatest theatrical hits of all time. People lined up outside of theaters to view it again and again. Turkish hatred for America and Israel is growing more each day. Many Turks believe that this movie depicts the truth about America and Israel.
Other examples of growing anti-Semitic and anti-Christian attitudes are evident in two Turkey’s best-selling books. Adolph Hitler’s Mein Kampf (My Struggle) which has been subsidized and sold very cheaply by multiple publishing houses in various translations has recently become a bestseller. Another bestseller is entitled Attack on the Pope: Who will Kill the Pope in Istanbul? The cover of the book features a man firing a rocket propelled grenade at Pope Bendict. A study examining the rise in anti-Semitism in Turkey conducted by The Stephen Roth Institute for Contemporary Study of Anti-Semitism and Racism points out that in various mainstream newspapers, it is common to read anti-Semitic slurs and conspiracy theories that demonize Jews. Holocaust denial is also common. According to the study: ‘Translations of classic anti-Semitic tracts such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Henry Ford’s International Jew, are sold at well-known bookstores. Clearly, both anti-Semitism and Anti-Christian sentiments are on the rise in Turkey.
Turkey Fallen To The Islamists
In my book Why I left Jihad, I quoted Serge Trifkovic, the director of the Center for International Affairs, who commented Turkey: ‘The simmering Islamic volcano in the villages of Anatolia and the poor neighborhoods of the sprawling cities makes us wonder not ‘if’ but ‘when’. If and when Turkey becomes a fully fledged democracy, that instant it will become Islamic.’
I also quoted Stanley Cohen, a professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, who said: ‘It’s still considered part of NATO and a ‘friend’ of the U.S. regardless that Turkey’s past is rising up, as from a wounded beast, and turning into a ravishing monster. It is no wonder that The CIA’s 1997 State Failure Task Force Report identified Turkey as a nation in danger of collapse. The West needs to come to grips with the realization that Turkey is not a democracy, and any efforts to establish a democracy in it will prove fatal since democracy, like the attempts in Iraq, will only used for electing an Islamic Sharia-driven system.’
Both Trifkovic and Stanley’s words predicted the situation perfectly – Turkey has now fallen to the Islamists and is it not amazing to see Stanley, a secularist, use the frase, ‘wounded beast’ to describe Turkey? This is precisely how the Bible describes the wounded defunct Ottoman Beast Empire that will revive at the end of the age. It will be near impossible for the United States to deal with Iran’s nuclear weapons, the Iraq War, and Turkey’s decline into Islamism simultaneously. Yet that is exactly what America is now facing. At the time of this writing, in August of 2007, the AKP Islamist party of Turkey, through completely democratic means, won the final election necessary to seize control of the entire Turkish government. This is monumental. The longest standing secular democracy in the muslim world fell to the Islamist Party. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the newly elected President Abdullah Gul now lead the AKP. The AKP also now holds a majority of Parliamentary seats. Consequently, an openly Islamist party now dominates the Turkish government and leverages Turkey’s system of checks an balances completely in their own favor. Now, alle they need to do is take control of the military. In order to understand the significance of this, one needs to understand who these leaders are and what they represent within the historically secular Muslim nation of Turkey.
Elisabeth Eaves of Forbes Magazine explains: ‘It all started on April 27th [2007] when Turkey’s parliament, dominated by the governing Justice and Development Party, or AKP, nominated Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul for the presidency. Gul, like APK leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan , has his roots in Tukey’s Islamist movement. In recent years, AKP has taken actions seen as religiously motivated, like trying to ban adultery and encourage religious schools. Though Gul has pushed forward talks with the European Union and is widely seen as pro-Western and diplomatic, his opponents within Turkey regard him as an Islamist and thus a menace to secular government.’
To understand how serious the takeover of the Turkish Government by an Islamist party is, consider some of the comments made by outgoing Turkish President, Ahmet Necdet Sezer in his farwell speech. Aside from Sezer’s very sober warnings, he stated the following:
“Turkey’s political regime is under unprecedented threat … Political Islam is being imposed on Turkey as a model … A plot is being carried out, according to a well-defined timeline, against the Turkish Armed forces. Foreign forces – and domestic ones, to serve their own interests – are, innder the pretext of ‘democracy,’ trying to transform Turkey’s secular republic and to create a model of a ‘moderate Islamic republic’ to serve as an example for Islamic countries to follow. ‘Moderate Islam’ would mean that the state’s social, economic, political, and legal system would reflect, to some extent, the laws of the religion. By this definition, the ‘moderate Islam model’ might represent ‘progress’ for the Islamic countries – but for Turkey, it means ‘regression.’ This is a model of ‘fundamentalism’ [that Turkey rejects].’
Sezer also claimed that it was only a matter of time before a ‘moderate’ Islamic goverment would become radical. Likewise, Dr. Megalommatis, also a supporter of the secular government in Turkey, used even stronger language to describe the seriousness of the Islamist takeover: ‘In Turkey, the real enemy is the Islamist movement with the lewd and gawky prime minister and foreign minister, who attempt to devise their simulative scheme of Turkey’s Islamization, vulgarization, and barbarization. Playing with the divisions of Turkey’s civilized political establishment, utilizing the inconsistencies of the electoral law, and relying on the perfidious support of Turkey’s worst external enemies, Erdogan and Gul consist in national threat No.1 for the entire country.’
If you are doubtful regarding Sezer’s and Megalommatis’s claims, then consider some of the comments that have been made by the architect of the recent takeover, Prime Minister Erdogan himself. Despite Erdogan’s endless public expressions of being pro-democracy, pro-European Union, pro-America, pro-Israel, pro peace, and pro-Global-unity, Erdogan was caught making the infamous quote that, ‘Democracy is like a streetcar. You ride it until you arrive at your destination and then you get off.’
It was also reported that Erdogan’s undersecretary stated that is was necessary to replace secularism and republicanism with a more participatory, Islamic system. On another ocassion , in a rare moment of transparency, Erdogan recited the following portion of a radical Islamic poem that he wrote: ‘[The] Mosques are our barracks, [the] domes our helmets, [the] minarets our bayonets, [the] believers our soldiers. This holy army guards my religion. Almighty, our journey is our destiny, the end is martyrdom.’ If these comments had come from Osama bin Laden or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, they would seem in place; however, they come from one of the most powerful Muslim leaders in the Middle East. Therefore, they should be deeply disturbing to world leaders everywhere. These comments are also contradictory. They sound as if they have come from the lips of a radicall suicide bomber, yet they come from the man who America and Israel trust implicitly. These comments come from the man who has helped forge the UN ‘Alliance of Civilizations’ and who is frequently heard quoting Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi , the famous peace-loving Sufi Muslim mystic. So who is the real Erdogan, the muslim Ghandi or the reincarnation of Gygez? In light of the evidence that there may be more to Erdogan than we see on television, we should not be surprised to hear Professor Ruben Safrastyan refer to him as someone who is, ‘very skillful in political manipulations.’
Scripture warns, ‘A vile person … shall come in peaceably, and seize the kingdom by intrigue’ (Daniel 11:12).
Yet another necessary requirement of the leader of the Antichrist Kingdom has found its fulfillment in Turkey. Latent or even more overt trends toward anti-Semitism and anti-Christian attitudes are clearly found in growing measure within modern Turkey. Far more significant, a potential sleeper cell, and a radical Islamists government in disguise has seized control of what has historically been the most moderate and secular Muslim nation in the world. If the nation of Turkey continues along the road that it is on, the implications for the West will be devastating. As British journalist John Hooper stated as far back as 1996, ‘the scope for conflict, were Turkey, like Iran, to ‘go Islamic’ would be immense.’ Nevertheless, if Turkey actually joins forces with Iran and several other Islamists nations, as the Bible says, then ‘immense’ will not even begin to describe the devastating impact for Israel and the United States.
Turkey in Islamic Prophecy
I once partook in an Irish National Television debate with Anjum Choudry, a leader of the defunct Al-Muhajirun terror organization in England. Choudry began spouting hatred for Kamal Attaturk, calling him a stooge who abolished the Caliphat. He claimed Islam must be re-established where it was wounded. Today, Choudry’s dream is coming true – the fall of the Turkish goverment to an Islamist political party bears heavy prophetic significance among apocalyptically minded Muslims.
Satan, how understands the Bible, had set up his own prophecies about the first and second rise of the Turkish Empire. Among the numerous Islamic traditions, there exists a series of prophecies that speak of the fall of Constantinople to Islam. When Mehmet II, leader of the Muslim armies conquered Constantinople in 1453, he played up these prophecies to his troops, empowering them with a euphoric sense of divine purpose. ‘Allah will conquer Constantinople (Istanbul) for the people of His most loved friends,’ he said. ‘Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!’
Yet the second conquering of Constantinople by Islam is looming on the horizon. This one is said to be accomplished through peaceful means just prior the ends of days. The Great War, as it is called in Islam, will occurs just after the conquest of Constantinople.
‘The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib (Medina) is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib will be when the Great War comes, and the outbreak of the Great War will be at the conquest of Contantinople and the conquest of Constantinople when the Dajjal (Antichrist) comes forth. He (the Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder with his hand and said: This is true as you are here or as you are sitting.’
Just as Israel’s re-taking of Jerusalem in 1967 boosted Christian moral worldwide, the re-conquering of Constantinople for Islam will empower Muslims. Several years before the fall of Turkey to the Islamist party, Muslim apocalyptic writer Sidheeque Veliankode commented that, ‘the first conquering of Constantinople by Mehmet II was merely a preparatory war before the actual conquest of it at the last hour. However, the Hadith commentators suggest that the overtrow of Constantinople State Government after the downfall of the Islamic Caliphate era confirms the return of the same state – God willing – to the hands of Muslims.
When searching for the Antichrist, one must never look to the Ahmadinejads or Usamas of the world, but instead to someone with a moderate mask – at least in the beginning. His sinister, rabid hatred for Jews and Christians will not be revealed until he lures the sleep into his den. Everyone in the Middle East knows Abduallah Gul, whose name literally means ‘the Servant of Allah the Demon’.
The Islamic paradigm, as it seems from our study, is one of the most significant keys to unlock the Bible’s ancient prophecies. Satan knows the Bible inside out, and thus attemps to sway the gullible by taking true prophecies and shifting the outcome. Israel won against all odds never to be pulled up again:
‘And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up uot of their land whiich I have given them, saith the LORD thy God.’ (Amos 9:15).
all I needed to do when I was Muslim was tune out the wrong channel. This is why Christ Himself warned, Be wise as a serpent, and innocent as doves.
The Reality
Even if you don’t believe the Bible, world circumstances are now bearing out exactly what it predicts will happen. Either the prophets are prophets, or they are perfect guessers. The call for a unified Islamic coalition ruled by an Islamic dictator is now quickly becoming a reality. On September 2005, the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed the United Nations National Assembly in New York City. He concluded his speech with the following declaration and prayer: ‘From the beginning of time, huma
Published: 3rd October 2014 by http:/