
Encouragment from the word - 2

Philippians 3 13-14 I am bringing all my energies to bear on this one thing Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead I strain to

Encouragment from the word - 2

Verse:             Philippians 3:13-14

I am bringing all my energies to bear on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize.

- This verse speaks of the past and the future.
- The challenge is to move forward into what God has.
- It can be compared to running a race.
- Each of us has a particular race to run.
- There is only one direction in a race – FORWARD!

CHALLENGE: Stop looking back – look forward and expect the best from God!

Verse:             Psalm 139:16

You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe.

 - It is wonderful to know that God is thinking about us.
- Each day is another day God planned to give us.
- We must take advantage of each day.
- Take advantage of today!

 PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you that today is another day You have planned for me to enjoy. I take hold of today with all its opportunities and hopes and trust You to be with me. Amen

Verse:             Exodus 23:20

 See, I am sending an Angel before you to lead you safely to the land I have prepared for you.

 - God has a plan and purpose for your life.
- He has a land prepared for you!
- God wants to be with you each step of the way.
- Imagine, that God would send an angel before you!

 PRAYER: Dear Lord, I pray that You will go before me into this new day. May I know Your presence and Your leading as I move towards what You have prepared for me! Amen.

 Verse:             Romans 12:11

 Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord.

 - The Bible tells us we should never be lacking in zeal.
- Zeal is enthusiasm and eagerness.
- It starts with a choice.
- Remember you are serving God and He is looking at your heart.

 CHALLENGE: Whatever you do today, do it as unto the Lord. Let your zeal and enthusiasm go from glowing to burning as you serve Him!

Published: 8th July 2009 by Andrew Roebert
