The devil as infiltrated the modern western christianity with a christianity that in practice believe in a magical quick fix Like INSTANT hot microwaved food
published: 29th July 2024 by by Gabriel KolbeMy people die for a lack of knowledge hellip Theoritical and theological questions Where does the devil come from Why doesn rsquo t God just destroy him Can the de
published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel KolbeTake authority daily in your spiritual life read word
published: 26th June 2013 by Gabriel KolbeGod is not please with people who sit in church but their hearts is far from him in the week daily service to god is the beginning disciple
published: 24th November 2014 by Gabriel KolbeHebrew Roots movement in the Western Church Have been listening to different teachers on Hebrew roots here are some of my thoughts ]What does it mean to live in line with Heb
published: 11th December 2014 by in 1991 asked me to intercede for Israel and Jerusalem little did I know that Israel is under attach by scud missiles
published: 20th April 2015 by Gabriel KolbeA drone, Anguish, Lost things how they came together and how it all worked out, the parable Jesus never told
published: 29th July 2024 by Gabriel Kolbestaying Hot for God avoiding modern idolatry of business and tv watching living a secular life
published: 23rd April 2015 by Gabriel Kolbeplacing God first before you do anything
published: 26th June 2015 by Gabriel KolbeHow should church be Holy spirit and gifts in church disciples church buildings fighting Satan
published: 13th July 2015 by Gabriel Kolbe<span id="internal-source-marker 0 5552519748297673" style="font-size 15px font-family Arial color #000000 background-color transparent font-weight normal font-style normal font-variant
published: 2nd December 2010 byWhat I find amazing is that the bible says that Elizabeth and Zechariah was both righteous before the God walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless Things to
published: 2nd March 2012 by 27/12/2010 12:45Standing when you have fallen In Romans 7 Paul says that 19 For I do not do the good I want to do but the evil I do not want to do mdash this
published: 2nd April 2012 by 28/12/2010 14:28In the last few weeks I feel so many spiritual attack - which often go hand in hand with emotional attacks I feel dispondent just 'down' and temptations to do something 'exciting' is thrown befor
published: 6th March 2011 byLet me give you a bit of our family history This will make you understand the consequence of sin and the long term effects it can have on p
published: 6th March 2011 byHow to deal with sin and guilt and temptation Sin Sometimes it obvious sometimes it is slyg and creeps up on you What does sin do
published: 9th November 2012 bySaw a brief vision before I slept last night 4 watches on an arm Does it mean 4 years 4 periods
published: 6th August 2011 by 08/06/2011Once again I realise how sneaky Satans tricks are he is the master of deception Hes had loads of time to practise He deceives deflects diverts cover up out right lies To keep
published: 6th July 2012 bythe effects of sin
published: 19th May 2016 by Gabriel KolbeDear Pastor Kolbe My name is Could please teach me how to bind the Ruler of Darkness in prayer for salvation for loved ones and friends and also from financial situations Tha
published: 27th October 2012 bygod provided in seeds much potential you are created with unlimited potential you can be a tree or a small plant
published: 15th November 2012 by Gabriel Kolbecopyright god away free how christian websites bibles like the niv are copyrighted and stop people from spreading the truth of Gods word
published: 23rd November 2012 by Gabriel KolbeCategories
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