Having doubts about your salvation will you go to heaven what does the word of god says what will go do for you now and when you die

published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

So many people have told me that they don t believe in blood line curses With bloodline curses - I mean curses in a family that move are be

published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

PRAY THIS PRAYER IN FAITH TRUSTING THE LORD Daily for Spiritual preparation and warfare

published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

satan attacks us with via situations people nations politics and strong holds according to the bible there are rules authorities and powers

published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

The biggest problem people have with christianity is the it demands high morality and holiness and that it is exclusive and not inclusive

published: 8th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

The following conversation arises between me and Ben Ben is a typical European Australian Kiwi type His thought process and argum

published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

Sometimes it feels like the paw-paw has hit the fan Crisis management over what feels like an endless period of time has left you tired an

published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

Synergy in the church God s secret weapon for end time revival churches working together for the sake of the kingdom not for their own sake

published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

an quick article explaining the bible story in a nutshell for easy understanding giving a overall picture of what God had in mind an how everything came to be

published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

Honor your parents might be the key to success for other areas in you life brings security and love for all

published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

Satans lies to keep you from the love of God not praying not reading not singing not waiting on him isolation and loneliness

published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

All sin comes from either rejection or rebellion which starts in hatred and self hatred ends in murder or suicide

published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

What evolutionist not tell their children evolution is a naturalistic religion there is not super natural no spiritual world people live

published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

demons and angels in the same room your authority your free will and choices is what tips the scales give demons power or give angels power

published: 26th June 2013 by Gabriel Kolbe

A quick explanation why people confuse baptism christening and infant baptism

published: 4th June 2010 by

Take authority daily in your spiritual life read word

published: 26th June 2013 by Gabriel Kolbe

God reveals 3 ways Satan like to trick deceive and attack us

published: 23rd October 2013 by Gabriel Kolbe

God is not please with people who sit in church but their hearts is far from him in the week daily service to god is the beginning disciple

published: 24th November 2014 by Gabriel Kolbe

Strife in marriage is devastating strife come in different forms some loud and screaming shouting argumentative other quiet and brooding

published: 1st December 2014 by Gabriel Kolbe

Below is an article discussing the Masturbations as a sin I write this article mostly from a mans point of view

published: 7th April 2011 by

Deliverance do you need it how to do it and knowing the basic principles

published: 29th January 2015 by gabriel

God in 1991 asked me to intercede for Israel and Jerusalem little did I know that Israel is under attach by scud missiles

published: 29th July 2011 by

ideas on witnessing to unbelievers in the UK

published: 28th November 2011 by Written By Gabriel Kolbe

DVD of fear and sexual imorality can be a bad influence avoid avoid avoid be wise fear God dont watch bad tv stay away from strife

published: 8th December 2011 by written by Gabriel Kolbe

where is heaven and hell? heaven is in the sky and hell is in the earth

published: 31st July 2024 by Gabriel Kolbe

Do your child have behavioural problems social problem struggle at school lack of attention struggle to concentrate

published: 14th March 2016 by Gabriel Kolbe

Struggle with Hebrews 6 4-6 dealing with fear of falling away and backsliding as a christian

published: 26th July 2012 by Gabriel Kolbe

god provided in seeds much potential you are created with unlimited potential you can be a tree or a small plant

published: 15th November 2012 by Gabriel Kolbe

copyright god away free how christian websites bibles like the niv are copyrighted and stop people from spreading the truth of Gods word

published: 23rd November 2012 by Gabriel Kolbe

Worldviews is reflect the way we see the world and our enviroment it influence how we see God and ourselves and religion it can make us hard

published: 27th November 2012 by Gabriel Kolbe