1 refers to the unity in the Godhead and is the number of unity It signifies beginnings and is in that way related to the number 8 which starts a thing over So it reveals that

published: 21st May 2010 by http://bloodspawn-7k.blogspot.com/2007/07/bible-numerology.html

Do not deceive yourselves If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age he should become a fool

published: 11th August 2010 by http://www.bereanpublishers.com/Apologetics/computer_proof.htm#_Toc530754927

CHAPTER 12 excerpt for fair use discussion from The Signature of God By Grant R Jeffery The Book has many chapters of impressive study and research including photos

published: 11th August 2010 by http://sevenfoldtruth.com/panin.htm

When I show this stuff to people the response I often get is If you fiddle enough with any other book and fiddle the mathematics you can get any book to show extra ordinary mathematical calculat

published: 18th August 2010 by Summarised by Gabriel Kolbe from other sources