an quick article explaining the bible story in a nutshell for easy understanding giving a overall picture of what God had in mind an how everything came to be

published: 10th July 2009 by Gabriel Kolbe

The Bible states that there was giants I believe it The photos below probably are photoshopped doctored but are examples o

published: 3rd March 2010 by email and

summary of judges in the bible contrasts faith and unbelieve obedience and anarchy failure compromise to paganism selective obedience

published: 15th December 2014 by

Summary of the book of Joshua in the bible crossing the Jordan spiritual warfare delay of disobedience joshua generation step out in faith

published: 19th December 2014 by

The Bible suffered for translated in many languages studied impacted cultures brought blessing archaeological digs historical accuracy

published: 3rd March 2015 by Gabriel Kolbe

Proverbs deals with counsel to the young contrasts in the proverbs of jesus discipleship wisedom for salvation tranformation good work

published: 3rd August 2015 by Frontline Fellowship